Vax Propaganda Plan Exposed

Vax Propaganda Plan Exposed

The multi-faceted Covid vaccination propaganda juggernaut that hit the American people from all angles was a coordinated White House effort. ...
Veronika Kyrylenko
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Some Americans sighed with relief when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorization (EUA) to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Covid vaccines in December of 2020. With a claimed 95-percent efficacy in protecting against Covid infection, the vaccines were seen as a glimmer of light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. To “get back to normal,” Americans needed to take the concoctions. 

How many Americans? Well, all of us, and our children and grandchildren, too, according to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) documents obtained by transparency foundation Judicial Watch and published on October 4. To make sure that every American gets a shot, the Biden administration has unleashed an extensive, all-penetrating propaganda campaign that spans nearly all means of human communication.

Vaccine Hesitancy

After months of devastating lockdowns and other unscientific and highly intrusive and restrictive “pandemic measures,” the vaccines against the “novel” and “deadly” disease were praised by some as a literal miracle that was made possible thanks to brilliant researchers, cutting-edge technology, and extensive resources.

“The Covid-19 vaccines are a miracle. Yes, an honest-to-God miracle,” posted America magazine in March 2021, when the shots became available for the general public.

“You have witnessed — and you are a beneficiary of — a freaking miracle,” echoed STAT News, continuing, “That miracle is the development, testing, manufacturing, and global distribution of Covid vaccines.”

Indeed, it took less than a year from the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen being identified to a vaccine being approved, making it the fastest vaccine ever developed.

Yet this speed, which was lauded by some, was reasonably viewed with concern by many. After all, if it normally takes at least several years to develop and properly test a vaccine, then the long-term safety and efficacy of the novel Covid shots could not be accurately estimated. As Bill Gates, who donated $1.75 billion to the Covid shots’ development, admitted, “If you want to see if a side effect [to a vaccine] shows up two years later, that takes two years.”

Intuitively or otherwise, many Americans had reservations about taking the freshly brewed Covid potions that used technology that had never been used on humans outside of limited clinical trials for a type of virus for which no vaccine had ever been successfully developed.

“I am a little bit hesitant,” explained North Carolina resident Angela Padgett in January 2021 to Time. “I can appreciate President Trump trying to get this moving fast, and I’ve taken pretty much every vaccine [for other diseases]. But I think it was rushed through very early, very quickly. So I would like a little more data,” she continued.

Besmirching the Unvaccinated

According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in December 2020, nearly 40 percent of Americans shared Padgett’s concerns and said “definitely not” or “probably not” when asked if they intended to take a shot when it became available to them.

All of a sudden, the reasonably skeptical public was called names and accused of blindly refusing the shots solely “for political reasons.” Speaking with The New American in October 2022, the president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, pointed to the fact that “the government and the Left” strongly politicized the issue of vaccinations, blaming Republicans for refusing to take them and therefore “harming public health.” While it is true that Republicans were more reluctant to jump on the vax-wagon, the shaming of the unvaccinated by the nation’s top healthcare figures was inflammatory. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, often expressed his “frustration” with Republicans and “Trump supporters.” During one of his public appearances in March 2021, he called the number of “Trump voters” refusing to get a vaccine “disturbing,” “merely because of political consideration.” 

Of course, Trump never advised his supporters not to get the shots; in fact, after recovering from Covid, Trump revealed in October 2021 that he had gotten vaccinated with the Pfizer shot and advised others to do the same. Also, it was the Trump administration that was mainly responsible for fast-tracking the shots’ creation. Still, Trump’s central message was merely to not be afraid of the disease, and to make one’s own healthcare choices, as opposed to being forced to get the jab. Dr. Fauci clearly disapproved of this approach, implying that “health experts’ recommendations” are paramount to public safety and even override civil liberties. It is worth recalling that later in September 2021, President Biden said that his patience was “wearing thin” with the unvaccinated who “can cause a lot of damage, and they are,” and ordered as many as 100 million Americans working for or with the federal government, as well as those working for larger businesses, to take the shot or be fired. Simultaneously, Biden attacked Republican governors, most prominent of whom was Florida’s Ron DeSantis, for standing in the way of “turning the corner” on the pandemic by playing “pandemic politics” and refusing to implement mask mandates and vaccine plans.

In addition to the “warp speed” at which the shots were developed, some Americans, both on the Left and the Right, felt uncomfortable that the shots were only given an EUA, which meant that the vaccine manufacturers were shielded from legal liability over any side effects caused by the shots. The very definition of the EUA also implies that the shots are “investigational,” i.e., experimental, meaning anyone taking them became, in fact, a subject of an experiment — “the largest experiment performed on human beings in the history of the world,” as mRNA-technology pioneer Dr. Robert Malone told The New American in November 2021.

Such attitudes were viewed as a problem by healthcare officials, who argued that the country needed to achieve herd immunity — a state in which a large proportion of a population is immune to Covid. But how large?

Various mathematical models used by scientists worldwide suggested that the “magic number” of people immune to Covid would be 60 percent of the population. That estimate is shared by the World Health Organization. American “Covid czar” Dr. Anthony Fauci, shrugging off the natural immunity acquired as a result of infection, believed the number should be much higher, and stated that only vaccines would get us to herd immunity. On December 3, 2020, Fauci told Fox News, “The estimate is that you will need about 70 percent, maybe 75 percent of the people in the country vaccinating to get that umbrella of herd immunity.” On December 24, 2020, Fauci raised the bar to 90 percent: “We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent.” In April 2021, Fauci insisted that “as many Americans as possible” must receive a vaccine. One year later, in April 2022, when 66 percent of Americans were fully vaccinated and 77 percent of the eligible population had received at least one dose, he finally admitted that herd immunity for Covid was “unattainable” because, apparently, “neither infection nor vaccination appears to induce prolonged protection against SARS-CoV-2 in many or most people.” Still, vaccinations are promoted as a means to prevent severe Covid outcomes.

The government decided to use good old propaganda to manipulate Americans, young and old, to accept the idea that there is no way they can not take a Covid shot.

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Follow my lead! Joe Biden chastised the unvaccinated and imposed an unprecedented vaccine mandate that affected more than 100 million Americans.

Building “Vaccine Confidence”

The elderly and frontline workers were the first to receive the shots, in December 2020. Those groups, along with people suffering from multiple comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, were the primary targets of the virus. Yet, the HHS moved forward with developing a strategy to “educate” all Americans, regardless of their age and health background, on the importance of Covid vaccinations.

As the HHS Covid-19 Public Education Campaign document, dated March of 2022, underlines, “We are at a pivotal point in the pandemic — getting Americans vaccinated as quickly as possible is the path out of this crisis. But to be successful, people must be ready and willing to roll up their sleeves when the vaccine is available to them.”

One may wonder what crisis HHS was referring to. At the time of the document’s release, 75 percent of American seniors had received at least one dose, and more than half were fully vaccinated. If the group that accounted for nearly all Covid fatalities was protected by a nearly 100-percent reliable protection, why should all Americans, even those clearly not at risk, need to be inoculated with shots that were a) unnecessary, b) experimental, and c) exorbitantly expensive? The HHS provides no answer to that, and seems to be viewing vaccination as a goal in itself.

An HHS fact sheet dated April 8, 2021 outlines the following goals of the campaign aimed at building “vaccine confidence”:

1. Educate Americans on how they can protect themselves and slow the spread of COVID-19

2. Build trust in the vaccines so more American [sic] are ready to take them 

3. Increase vaccine uptake by educating Americans about how and where to get vaccinated

According to the strategy, the main propaganda effort was to be carried out by “trusted messengers” and community organizations. The remainder was to be split between paid media, “earned media,” digital strategy, and the private sector.

“Trusted Messengers”

The HHS strategists fully realized that it would be useless to appeal to “vaccine-hesitant” Americans via television ads featuring Dr. Fauci, establishment “experts” and politicians, and woke celebrities, even though they played a major role in advertising the shots for other segments of the population. It was the job of one’s nurse, pastor, and pharmacist to enlighten the stubborn “anti-vaxxers” on the life-saving properties of the shots. The HHS calls such messengers “tools.”

Reads the strategy, “Research shows that trusted messengers are the most effective tool with the most hesitant groups. Therefore, our largest effort will be on empowering them to carry the message and to fund grassroot efforts on the ground.”

To really “galvanize” the work of such messengers, HHS created the Covid-19 Community Corps (CCC), which provides “toolkits and resources for Community Corps members to organize within their organizations, communities, and more.” According to its website, the effort is comprised of some 17,000 organizations and individuals across America. Here are some of the biggest ones:

Public-health and medical organizations participating in CCC include such reputable entities as the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, American Medical Student Association, American Medical Women Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Planned Parenthood.

The sports and entertainment entities that vouched to push the vaccine to their fans and members are Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer, National Association of Broadcasters, NASCAR, the National Football League, and World Wrestling Entertainment.

Then there are numerous unions and organized labor leaders who are “tools” of HHS, including the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, which is the largest federation of unions in the United States, consisting of 58 national and international labor unions and representing 12.5 million workers; the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which is the largest trade union of public employees; and the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers — the largest and the second-largest teachers unions in America, respectively.

The nation’s most influential business organizations are a part of the corps, too. The list includes the Business Roundtable, a nonprofit lobbyist association whose members are CEOs of major companies; the National Association of Manufacturers, the nation’s largest manufacturing industrial trade association; and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest lobbying group, representing more than three million businesses and organizations. Other entities are the National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Black Economic Alliance, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, and U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.

The list of faith organizations affiliated with the corps includes 85 entities, among which are the Alliance of Baptists, American Muslim Health Professionals, Salvation Army, United Church of Christ, Asian American Christian Collaborative, Episcopal Church, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Health Association, Community of Christ, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, International Council of Community Churches, Sikh Coalition, and Jewish Democratic Council of America.

Then there are the 53 community organizations carrying out the CCC mission. Among them is AARP, America’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization “dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age.”

Some veterans organizations were also called upon to “educate” their members. Among them were the American Legion, the Wounded Warrior Project, Blinded Veterans of America, Blue Star Families, Disabled American Veterans, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association, and others. 

Minority-interest organizations are involved as well, including 47 Latino, 25 black, and 10 Native American advocacy groups.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged to get jabbed by nine organizations, such as the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and PFLAG, the United States’ first and largest LGBTQ organization.

Last but not least, parent and family organizations such as the Parent-Teacher Association are also a part of the CCC.

Notably, as reflected in the HHS document titled “Building Parents Confidence in Covid-19 Vaccines,” dated April 19, 2021, the government was preparing to roll out the shots long before they were tested and authorized. One of the document’s chapters notes that “Covid-19 vaccine authorization for adolescents is imminent.” The document mentions that shots for infants and toddlers were (correctly) predicted to be given the green light in 2022. 

The HHS strategy targeted moms as the primary decision-makers in the vaccination of children. The moms needed to be influenced by healthcare professionals, family, and friends. For example, HHS “enlisted mom influencers” on social media to “drive awareness and peer-to-peer conversation.” HHS also emphasized that black children suffered more from Covid than children of other races, which suggested that black mothers required special attention.

Partners in this strategy included the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians. “Educational” organizations such as teachers unions were also involved.

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The first round of shots: The elderly, as the primary target of Covid, were the first to receive the shots, only to find out seven months later that they needed a “booster” to keep the protection.

Media Campaigns

As for the paid media campaigns, they were “tailored to fit specific audiences,” such as Hispanic, black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Chinese, and “phased to match the expected supply and demand of the vaccine.” 

At the very beginning of the mass-vaccination campaign, in March-April 2021, the “hardest hit” communities of minorities were to receive the message through radio, social, print, and digital media that they should get vaccinated. “No TV component,” detailed the HHS. The messages were meant to “highlight new COVID-19 variants as a reason to continue wearing a mask, keeping distance, and getting [a] vaccine.” That short phase of the campaign was called “Stop the Spread.” 

The next phase also started in March, but was planned to last through July and was called “Preparing the Nation.” People 18 and older who were “curious” or “actively searching” for vaccine information were targeted. How did HHS know who was “curious” and “searching”? Likely by accessing everyone’s internet browsing history, because HHS noted that such an audience should have received the messages “through paid social, digital display, and search engine marketing.” 

The “Vaccination (Wave 1)” phase lasted from April to May and targeted adults “across all demographic groups,” with a special emphasis on those aged 65 and up. All channels, including TV, radio, print, out-of-home ads (e.g., billboards), social, and digital, were supposed to “remind” Americans to get their shots. 

To underline the breadth of the campaign unleashed by the Biden administration via the media, Judicial Watch highlighted a document titled “PEC [Public Education Campaign] Plan April 19-May 31 [2021],” which includes the following media plans and action items:

• Vaccine engagement package to all entertainment talent and management agencies

• Vaccine engagement package to all media companies and show producers

• Outreach to major culture event producers

• Outreach with WCDT [likely We Can Do This] brand and engagement ideas to major businesses and associations

• Launch Community Corps Business Chapter

• Start celebrity Share the Mics

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama, Dr. Fauci, celebrity TV host and eugenicist Oprah Winfrey, actresses Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria, and critical race theory ideologue Ibram X. Kendi were among the VIPs to appear on the prime-time shows to boost “vaccine confidence.” “If all these important people are getting vaccinated, why aren’t you?” seemed to be the central message behind this effort.

“It’s one thing to see something on late-night TV promoting vaccines. It’s another thing to understand that those talking points, perhaps, did not originate from the employees of the late-night shows but from the government,” Fitton told The New American.

Moreover, the HHS was actively targeting young people and even children, who had little to gain from the shots. The department proposed reaching them via major social-media platforms, per the documents:

• Work with You Tube on an original special about vaccinations targeted to young people (similar to YouTube’s Dear Class of 2020 special).

• Dr. Biden and Dr. [Rochelle] Walensky to host a Kids Blogger Roundtable to answer kids’ questions about the pandemic and the vaccine with outlets (ex: Time For Kids, Time Out Kids, Scholastic; Girls Life, Now This Kids, Sports Illustrated Kids).

• Work with Instagram to produce a series about vaccines for @Instagram (the largest social media account in the world, 387 million followers). Feature young creators doing in-depth pieces about young people’s questions. Request a Stories Highlight on Vaccines on @Instagram to stay on the account through 2021.

• Request major TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram influencers to create videos of themselves being vaccinated and start a special campaign of funny and/or musical videos about being vaccinated to encourage others to create content and post.

As HHS noted, “Children are required for herd immunity: 22% of the U.S. population are under 18 years old.” But what if the vaccines are not as safe as they are advertised? What happens to the “herd” even if the younger generation is inoculated with something that undermines their health in a dramatic way? Asking this is considered “misinformation” by the government and is censored by the major media.

Countering “Vaccine Misinformation” — or Spreading It?

According to the HHS, the members of the corps receive the “latest scientific and medical updates” on the vaccines; that is, the CDC’s official information on the shots’ “safety and efficacy.” Per the department, “The all-volunteer group dubbed the Covid-19 Community Corps would amplify the government’s vaccine messaging within their own communities, and lead on-the-ground efforts to combat skepticism and misinformation.”

According to the CDC, common examples of vaccine misinformation include what the agency calls “myths” about vaccines. A reordered subset of the CDC-specified “myths” follows:

• The mRNA vaccine is not considered a vaccine.

• The ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous.

• The natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination.

• COVID-19 vaccines cause variants.

• COVID-19 vaccines can alter my DNA.

• COVID-19 vaccines may affect my fertility.

• COVID-19 vaccines can make me sick with Covid.

The New American regularly interviews physicians and scientists on the latest scientific evidence that shows that what the CDC calls myths, are, in fact, hard truths. For example:

Covid Shots Are Not Vaccines: Covid shots do not meet a traditional definition of “vaccines.” In September 2021, the CDC appeared to have altered the definitions of “vaccines” and “vaccinations” to imply that vaccines merely provide some measure of protection against a disease, as opposed to keeping a person from contracting it altogether, as it was previously understood.

Covid Shots Are Unsafe: The ingredients in Covid shots are dangerous. The shots, containing synthetic viral mRNA packed into a lipid casing, cause human cells to produce the most toxic part of SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein. Contrary to the CDC’s claim that it only stays in the injection site, it was known early on — thanks to Pfizer’s vaccine biodistribution study presented to the Japanese government — that the mRNA travels throughout the body. That explains why such a wide array of side effects has been reported.

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Jabbing moms: The fact that pregnant women were excluded from clinical trials did not prevent the CDC from recommending this demographic to get experimental shots that, as has become evident, pose a grave threat to both moms and their babies.

Physicians and scientists such as Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Stephanie Seneff, Ryan Cole, Jessica Rose, Pierre Kory, James Thorp, Meryl Nass, Tess Lawrie, Mark Trozzi, and many others told The New American how toxic and dangerous the spike protein induced by the shots is.

As has recently become apparent, the shots also contain undisclosed ingredients, such as metals, according to laboratory analysis done by an international group of scientists of the German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis in June 2022.

Shot-induced Immunity Is Not Better Than Natural Immunity: As of February 2022, there were more than 150 research studies affirming the durability of natural immunity, with many finding it superior to vaccine-induced immunity.

Plus, whatever level of protection one receives from the shot, it wanes within months, according to the CDC.

Covid Shots Do Facilitate Emergence of Variants: Belgian virologist and immunologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, speaking with The New American, explained in detail that mass vaccination with non-sterilizing (“leaky”) vaccines drives the evolution of the virus. Because the vaccines cause the “original antigenic sin,” or set the immune system to recognize only a part of the pathogen, vaccinated people become unable to ward off infections with viral mutations and get constantly reinfected. Indeed, it hardly surprises anyone anymore when fully vaccinated and boosted people catch Covid.

When queried by the Informed Consent Action Network for all relevant documents that would confirm that immunity received by people inoculated against Covid does not contribute to the emergence of variants, the CDC responded that it could not find “any documents pertaining to your request.”

Covid Shots Can Alter Human DNA: According to a peer-reviewed study conducted by Swedish researchers at Lund University in Switzerland and published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology in February 2022, mRNA from Pfizer’s shot enters liver cells and is converted into DNA. That means that the cells can potentially become permanent factories for the spike protein.

Covid Shots Do Affect Fertility: While pregnant women were excluded from the human trials of the Pfizer shot, 270 women got pregnant during the study. As described by Dr. Naomi Wolf, the data on the pregnancy outcomes of 234 women was somehow “lost” by the FDA. Shockingly, though, of the 36 pregnant women whose outcomes were followed, 28 lost their babies.

Speaking with The New American in September 2022, Dr. James Thorp, board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology and a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine with over 42 years of experience, described a spike in menstrual disorders, stillbirths, miscarriages, fetal malformations, and growth restrictions in children whose moms were jabbed.

“This vaccine is extraordinarily inflammatory in nature,” said Dr. Thorp, “And we’ve known for five decades that anything that causes an inflammatory process in pregnancy kills or maims the fetus.”  

Dr. Naomi Wolf’s volunteers found that male fertility was affected, too, according to the FDA/Pfizer documents they reviewed. Erectile dysfunction, prostate enlargement, and functional impotence were listed among the side effects.

Covid Shots Are Largely Ineffective: Discussing the documents provided to the government by Pfizer, Wolf pointed to the fact that one of the common side effects that Pfizer found early on in its trials was, believe it or not, Covid-19. 

Besides, as seen from the results of the FDA trials, the agency knew the shots were a failure. “The FDA knew in November of 2020 that [the vaccines] did not work,” Wolf told The New American in May 2022.

All in all, the CCC makes sure that ordinary Americans are exposed to only the CDC’s current stance on vaccines. Any other information is considered false, and therefore “dangerous.”

Quoting the Supreme Court’s ruling on Biden’s vaccine mandate for large employers, Fitton told The New American how the government stifled reasonable debate around the shots. “As Justice [Samuel] Alito noted in the Supreme Court decision on [the Occupational Safety and Health Administration] vaccine mandate, it [Covid vaccination] is an irreversible medical treatment. That’s inherently controversial.” He continued, “Arguably, they [the government] knew they were wrong when they were saying that the vaccine could ‘prevent transmission’ in a significant way, which was a justification for some of these mandates.” These and other issues associated with the shots were “controversial and up for debate,” yet they “were presented as non-controversial and not up for debate as a result of this propaganda effort,” added Fitton. “In my view, the government should say, ‘This is an option for you. We encourage you to talk to your doctors about it.’ And that pretty much should have ended the discussion.” Evidently, the government chose the opposite direction, causing, according to Fitton, mistrust of the government and raising questions about why the shots that should not have been pushed were pushed.

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“Freedom over fear”: Neither massive propaganda nor coercive mandates broke the spirit of liberty in many Americans who actively resisted medical tyranny.

Invasive propaganda, psychological pressure, censorship, and coercive mandates were deployed against Americans. As of the writing of this article, as many as 224,113,439 people, or 68 percent of the total U.S. population, are considered fully vaccinated. Many, however, did not cave. 

French General Christian Blanchon wrote of the unvaccinated around the world in a September 2022 tribute letter: “Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors. People who have been capable of such personality, courage, and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.”

While being thankful for the strength and wisdom to reject the experimental treatment, one must discourage any loved ones who, for different reasons, took the jab from taking any additional doses that the government is preparing to put on the seasonal menu.