The New American - That Freedom Shall Not Perish
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Debunking COS & Natelson false claims about Article V Convention name 

Debunking COS & Natelson false claims about Article V Convention name 

JBS Constitutional Law Scholar Dr. Joe Wolverton, J.D. and The New American’s Christian Gomez debunk claims made by both Prof. Robert Natelson and the Convention of States organization that “previously undiscovered pre-1800 sources” prove that the phrase “convention of the states” is the correct name for an Article V convention for proposing amendments, rather than ...

Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal Freedom – Pt. 2: Nazis and ChiComs

Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal Freedom – Pt. 2: Nazis and ChiComs

The Deep State played a crucial role in the rise of both the National Socialist (Nazi) movement in Germany and the Chinese Communist Party in China, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Citing a wide range of different sources including official government documents, Newman shows that ...
