Reaching Patriots to Save America!
Only an informed and free citizenry can act effectively to save our nation. This is why we must once again ask for your generous support. The New American remains dedicated to the task of informing readers (and, increasingly, viewers) of both the threats we face as a nation and of the strategies to use in effectively opposing and rolling back the program of the globalist cabal. We have proven effective in this mission time and time again, and must continue this work. To that end, we plead for you to stand beside us in this mission, help us how and when you can, and dedicate yourselves, as the founders of this Republic did so many years ago, to the preservation of liberty.

For $300+, you will receive our classy new red handcrafted stoneware New American mug, made in the USA.

For donations of $500 or more, you receive a new book by Art Thompson called “How the Communist Manifesto Threatens Our Freedom Today” and a classy new red handcrafted stoneware New American mug, made in the USA.

Anyone contributing $1,500 or more you receive a superb new biography by Joe Wolverton, Constitutional scholar for The John Birch Society, a new book by Art Thompson called “How the Communist Manifesto Threatens Our Freedom Today” and a classy new red handcrafted stoneware New American mug, made in the USA.

Dear Friend and Reader of The New American:

Mark Twain once said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” At The New American, we understand that brevity is a challenge, but when it comes to the future of our country, depth is essential. That’s why our articles sometimes stretch into thousands of words — because telling the full story and bringing you the unfiltered truth demands it. 

We are living in unprecedented times, and our republic is now in uncharted waters. Since the appearance of the MAGA movement almost nine years ago, our own government — or, more accurately, the cunning and amoral radical Leftists and Deep State conspirators who have seized control of our government — has been waging a vicious campaign of censorship, lawfare, political persecution, and literal imprisonment against Donald Trump and his supporters.

Having wrested control of the federal government from Trump and his populist supporters in the fraudulent 2020 election, this Marxist and globalist cabal has been moving aggressively to purge its opposition. The moment these shameless miscreants were back in power, they undid almost everything Trump had done to extricate us from the globalist system, including dragging America back into the Paris Climate Accord, nullifying America’s sovereign borders, involving us in new and dangerous global conflicts, especially the Russia-Ukraine War, and ramping up surveillance, censorship, and oppression of ordinary American citizens like you and me. And despite a spate of recent Supreme Court decisions in favor of Donald Trump and against the grotesquely misnamed Department of Justice and its unrestrained Chekist inquisitors, the lawfare against Trump and his supporters continues unabated.

Besides all of these and many other abuses by the Deep State-controlled Biden-Harris administration, the economy continues to languish, pricing many Americans out of homes and even car ownership, while wages plummet and job creation remains at ’70s-style stagflationary levels.

We have all experienced the inflationary pain at the gas pump and at the grocery store. Many of us have lost our jobs and our livelihoods, thanks to “Bidenomics.” We have all stood aghast at the new illegal immigrant-driven crime wave convulsing not only our

inner cities, but also our rural communities. We have been appalled by the vicious and deliberately inciteful rhetoric of the radical Left characterizing us ordinary Americans as enemies of freedom, as racists, and even as Nazis and terrorists. We have watched many of our precious young ones led astray by the immorality and nihilism promoted in government schools. And we have witnessed with growing dismay as our precious freedoms continue to fall prey to the radical Leftists who want to reduce our once-proud and independent nation to collectivized serfdom.

The Stakes Are Higher Than Ever

Setting aside this year’s election results, we already have seen enough in recent years of the radical Left’s and the Deep State’s modus operandi to anticipate what is likely to happen next. Just as they have sought to undermine and destroy Donald Trump and the MAGA movement by weaponizing the law, so they will continue to do so with ever-increasing intensity over the months and years to come. We have seen them repeatedly resort to mob violence, to mass censorship, and to election fraud to accomplish their diabolical aims, and we expect no letup in the near term.

Thanks to the fickleness of electoral fortunes, the radical Leftist mob and its Deep State enablers may be set back from time to time; but if the recent past is any guide, the Left will continue its patented campaign of subversion, deception, and shameless propaganda, and will fight to continue censorship of the Internet and social media. Trump, Vance, and other prominent MAGA leaders will continue to be portrayed as “fascists,” “enemies of democracy,” or worse, and the passions of brainwashed Americans will again be roused to a fever pitch.

Under such conditions, it won’t be long before a populace weary of conflict will turn back to the Democrats and their radical Left enablers, as happened in 2018 and, to a degree, in 2020.

The Leftist Establishment will continue to manufacture radical Left revolutionaries like Kamala Harris to serve up as paladins of “democracy,” who will be reliable assets of the Deep State-aligned enemies of our republic, our cherished Constitution, our liberties, and our entire way of life.

And they will continue their efforts to purge the country of the MAGA movement and of all genuine patriots, including, sooner or later, you and me. They will perpetuate the time-dishonored tactic of furnishing RINO false alternatives every electoral cycle. They will certainly attempt to consolidate the nefarious gains attained during the Biden-Harris administration, including perpetuating chaos on the border and resisting the deportation of the millions of illegal aliens now living in our country. The enemies of America appear to have our fair republic in their thrall, and never has the temptation been greater to succumb to defeatism, negativity, and even despair.

The New American Is Showing the Way

Fortunately, we at The New American continue to hold the line and disseminate truth and clear-eyed perspective in the midst of all the madness. What we have been doing for four decades we continue to do, only better. Since the outset of the Covid crisis, for example, we have become THE publication of record regarding censored topics other conservative media have been cowed into avoiding. We have featured innumerable carefully researched articles exposing the lies of the pro-vax, pro-lockdown, pro-mask partisans, and have repeatedly interviewed renowned experts on the subject, like Dr. Robert Malone, with whom we have forged relations of trust.

We’ve also made a decision to raise our profile on Capitol Hill among lawmakers we trust. We have interviewed prominent members of Congress in recent months, including Senator Ron Johnson, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and Congressman Andy Biggs. In getting to know these people, we have learned unexpected things about them. For example, Senator Johnson told us that The Creature from Jekyll Island was one of the most important books he had ever read — and was surprised when we informed him that we had published it originally. Congressman Biggs told us that he fully supported withdrawing the United States from the United Nations. And so forth.

But that’s not all we’ve been doing. Not by a long shot. Last year, an opportunity arose for The New American to begin a daily news analysis show, which we called The New American Daily. Originally produced for Worldview Weekend, the show has since morphed into a daily one-hour podcast, hosted by Rumble, in which we provide viewers and listeners with the “truth behind the news.” Featuring co-hosts Steve Bonta and Paul Dragu and enlisting the talents of frequent guest commentators such as Joe Wolverton, Alex Newman, and Gary Benoit, The New American Daily has been experiencing spectacular growth in recent months. Over the course of this summer, our average viewership has mushroomed from a few thousand to over twenty thousand per episode, with some of our recent shows logging 60K or even 70K total views or more, and our live online viewership growing from less than 100 to many thousands for our most successful episodes. This has come about as we have taken steps to intelligently promote the show, to improve our content and production values to align with the most successful podcasters, and to build a loyal online community with our Locals account.

We have also been working to monetize The New American Daily, because the upside potential of such a regular podcast is simply enormous. We are already realizing a steady stream of advertising revenue and, thanks to cross promoting both The New American magazine and The John Birch Society on our show every day, we are also seeing results in increased magazine subscriptions and JBS memberships. We are also taking full advantage of the interactive potential of the Internet by maintaining a live chat stream during every show and interacting with viewers, as well as uploading additional live streams and other materials to our Locals channel for our burgeoning community of members to enjoy and comment on.

We also stream episodes of The New American Daily on X (Twitter) and other media, including Facebook and (occasionally) YouTube. Our goal is to become a major new entrant in the conservative online ecosystem and expect to soon be airing episodes that attract hundreds of thousands of viewers. We are very proud of the success we are enjoying with our show, but we have barely begun to achieve our goals. In the

not-too-distant future, we intend to bring on new talent to improve our product, to grow our membership into the hundreds of thousands, and to make sure that the names of The New American and The John Birch Society become familiar to tens of millions.

After all, if we are to win this war and save the republic, we will need to go big, and do it quickly.

Producing Real Results

As proud as we are of what we have done recently with the magazine and with our new show, we are painfully aware of how much we still have to accomplish. As we look at how many Americans now agree with us — with positions and ideas once derided as “fringe” and “paranoid” — we are greatly encouraged at the power of education. It is largely due to our decades of unobtrusive, steady advocacy at the grassroots level of agenda items such as ending the Federal Reserve and getting the US out of the UN that these and many other “far right” action items have become mainstream.

But being widely discussed and producing real results are two different things. Everyone seems to acknowledge that our federal government has burst its constitutional moorings, that our unconstitutional fiat money system is driving us toward national insolvency, and that our continued membership in the United Nations is corroding our national sovereignty. Almost everyone acknowledges the reality of the “Deep State.” However, we have yet to decisively reverse any of these malignant trends.

It is not enough for people to have a superficial understanding. What is needed is, firstly, that many more of our fellow citizens have their eyes fully opened and that they are empowered to think clearly on such issues — that they are “clear-pilled,” as we like to say on the show. Secondly, they must be moved to take action in sufficient numbers and with sufficient persistence to finally turn the tide of tyranny. In both of these areas, The New American magazine, along with its online affiliates, plays a critical role. Charged with “waking the town and telling the people,” we are now moving aggressively to harness the immense power of the Internet to dramatically raise the profile and reach of The John Birch Society and its inspired program.

To this end, we have set some very ambitious goals for both the magazine and the show, including not only continued and dramatic increase in subscriptions and viewers, but also a tiered membership program associated with the show and linked to the magazine, and aggressive marketing efforts for both.

We are on the cusp of a new era at The New American. Simply put, we must grow, grow fast, and grow better, in order to beat back this latest, most severe crisis in the history of our country since the inception of The John Birch Society. We are literally entering the crucial decisive phase JBS Founder Robert Welch warned us would eventually come. Millions of Americans are now realizing that they no longer can enjoy the luxury of indifference or political neutrality; the battle for liberty has been joined, and our enemies have made it clear that no quarter will be given should they prevail. We at The New American intend to be the beacon of both liberty and unalloyed sanity amid the din of competing and confused media voices both in print and online.

Our Appeal to You

Will you join us in supporting this great cause at this absolutely critical juncture? We must rise to this occasion, not only for our own sakes, but for the sake of generations yet unborn. We need to be the generation that turns this tide and vindicates the liberty our noble forebears sacrificed so much to bring about. It is the task of our time to win back our country and our Constitution for which — if we are successful — generations yet unborn will be grateful. 

Since our last appeal, your support has enabled us to make tremendous progress. We’ve expanded our reach like never before. Besides The New American Daily podcast, we have launched four new national radio programs and greatly increased our social media presence. Our radio lineup now includes 2A for Today, in partnership with respected Second Amendment organizations such as the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, and the National Association for Gun Rights. This collaboration has allowed us to reach hundreds of thousands of like-minded Americans every week who share our commitment to liberty. 2A for Today is already running on 56 radio stations across the country. Our three additional shows, The Kate Dalley Show, Educate! and The New American Weekly With Kate Dalley brings us to a total of 113 broadcast signals within the first year — delivering 13 hours of JBS/TNA content every week, reaching a total audience of 500,000 listeners per week.

These successes would not have been possible without your help. Our last appeal allowed us to purchase essential equipment — computers, cameras, studio gear — and fund our reporting and travel to bring you interviews with key elected officials. Thanks to your generosity, we’re reaching a larger audience and delivering the unfiltered journalism that matters.  

Our goals are ambitious, but they are necessary. We are aggressively working to expand subscriptions, grow viewership, and engage more Americans in the fight for freedom. We are on the cusp of a new era at The New American, and we need your help to rise to the challenge. Now, more than ever, it’s critical that we grow rapidly to confront the unprecedented threats facing our country.  

I’m asking you to stand with us once again. Your support will help ensure we continue delivering independent, unfiltered journalism. It will enable us to reach even more Americans through our growing radio, online, and social media platforms. We are aiming to surpass last year’s fundraising goal and make an even greater impact.  

The fight for truth is ongoing, and your contributions are more vital than ever. Will you help us continue this critical effort at such a crucial time for our country? Together, we can ensure that freedom does not perish — and that future generations will look back and be grateful for the actions we take today.  

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to liberty and truth.

With sincerest thanks,

Gary Benoit, Editor in Chief

P.S.: To thank you for your contribution, for $300 more, you will receive our classy new red handcrafted stoneware mug, made in the USA.

For $500 or more, you receive a new book by Art Thompson called “How the Communist Manifesto Threatens Our Freedom Today” and a New American mug.

For $1,500 or more, you receive a superb new biography by Joe Wolverton, Constitutional scholar for The John Birch Society, plus all of the above.

Thanks in advance!