Inside Track

Women’s Soccer Team Fields Five Men, Takes Championship


Reduxx reported on August 26 that the Flying Bats won the North West Sydney (Australia) Football Women’s Premier League championship on August 25. They fielded five men who identify as women. The Bats went undefeated this year, 17-0, and scored a whopping 76 goals. The competition — all of it, through the whole season — scored just eight points.

Men on the team are known for injuring female competitors. Identified as one of the more dangerous is “Riley” Dennis, real name Justin. Last year Dennis played for a different team, and the 32-year-old mauler sent a female player to the ground as the two chased a ball. The brute waltzed away, video showed, while the woman lay motionless. “The month prior, Dennis was said to have injured another female player, who reportedly had to seek hospital attention as a result of her injury,” Reduxx reported. And years ago, a Flying Bats player broke a woman’s leg in two places and ended her career. 

After Dennis injured the first woman, Kirralie Smith of Binary Australia — created to challenge multiple-gender theory — launched a letter-writing campaign against him that pulled in some 12,000 submissions. Reduxx reported that, “For her role in bringing awareness to the injuries sustained by female athletes, Smith was visited by New South Wales Police and handed an [order] requiring that she neither discuss nor approach Dennis.… Smith continues to face ongoing legal challenges for having identified some of the men playing against women.” Trans control of speech codes is so totalitarian that the woman who helped the Bats’ victim with the broken leg was suspended for eight weeks for understandably hurling a nasty remark.

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