The Last Word
Biden, Davos, and Digital Currency
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Biden, Davos, and Digital Currency

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” You will recognize that claim from the opening statement in the now-infamous propaganda video from the World Economic Forum (WEF) entitled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.” But the WEF’s promised happiness will only come about through a global, wrenching, revolutionary process that WEF founder Klaus Schwab and the Davos elites call the Great Reset. All of human society must be “reset,” “transformed,” say Schwab and company. They mean for our entire world to be completely reset (i.e., totally remade) politically, economically, socially, biologically, technologically, morally, and spiritually.

The schemes of Schwab would be dismissed as the mad ravings of a ridiculous comic-book villain — except that his WEF coterie includes several hundred of the world’s wealthiest individuals, most powerful political leaders, and most famous influencers. If they have their way, you will own nothing. Happiness? Umm, not so much. But ownership will not cease in the post-2030 world. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Lawrence Fink, David Rubenstein, and the rest of the WEF billionaires continue to accumulate their mansions, megayachts, luxury private jets, estates, and portfolio holdings — while lecturing the rest of us on our duties to downsize our lifestyles and sacrifice, for the sake of the planet. You will own nothing. They will own everything — including you!

A crucial component of the Great Reset’s schemata for global social-political-economic control is the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), a cashless, digitized monetary system that would bestow on governments the power not only to create unlimited “money” with a computer keystroke, but also to surveil your every transaction. Moreover, it would give governing authorities unprecedented powers to “cancel” you, to wipe out your digital savings, and/or your permission to buy-sell-rent, should you engage in political dissent or thought crimes. 

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