History - Past and Perspective
Covid and the Ghosts of Nuremberg
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Covid and the Ghosts of Nuremberg

There are frightening parallels between Nazi medical “experiments” performed on helpless concentration-camp victims and today’s experimentation on the world’s population via the Covid “vaccines.” ...
Selwyn Duke

“We’re just following orders.” So was told frontline nurse Nicole Sirotek, she reports, when asking her colleagues in 2020 why Covid-19 patients were being denied lifesaving treatment. The quoted statement has, of course, an eerie ring to it, one that anybody possessing even a passing acquaintance with history will recognize as having been uttered before — in the past tense.

“Tense,” in a different sense, describes Western civilization’s state for the past two years, as people have wrestled with a disease emergency largely self-imposed. It’s not just that the Dr. Anthony Fauci-affiliated National Institutes of Health helped fund gain-of-function research that apparently visited the “novel coronavirus” on the world. It’s also that the entire establishment — no doubt enticed by Big Pharma money — demonizes ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine protocols known to be effective against Covid-19 in favor of a “V”-for-vaccine-victory fantasy that will supposedly deliver us from China virus oblivion. 

Never mind that the liberal Atlantic magazine quoted a Yale public-health professor as saying in early 2020 that if “we’re putting all our hopes in a vaccine as being the answer, we’re in trouble.” Never mind that when Operation Warp Speed gave us the mRNA therapy agents (aka “vaccines”) supposedly ahead of schedule, establishment leftists scoffed at what they called the “Trump vaccine.” When these statists took power in January 2021, it nonetheless was “vaccines” über alles. If you didn’t take the jab, you were an unpatriotic disease vector who needed to be compelled via scorn, ostracism, mandates, and career-destruction threats into taking the needle. Why, so extreme was the zealotry that an acquaintance told me last year that if he had his way (I’m paraphrasing), all those refusing the so-called vaccines “would be lined up and shot.”

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