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NewAmerican Video

U.S. Pledges to Completely Ban Coal

Early this week, all G7 nations agreed to shut down their coal plants by 2035 at the latest. This includes the United States,...

What Really Happened

Previously Aired 3/27/24 Lara Logan explains what could have happened in shocking detail. Is any of this bridge incident coincidental? It appears to be...

Kimberly Fletcher: Who Are Moms Voting For?

For a couple decades, the organization Moms for America has been empowering mothers across the nation to raise patriots. However, the pandemic’s revelation...

America’s Future Is At Risk

Previously Aired 3/29/24 Overwhelming evidence that the Baltimore Bridge collapse was no accident. Why are they not giving us all the details and evidence...

Bruce LeVell: Restoring Small Businesses

In this interview with The New American, Bruce LeVell, former Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump and former Small Business Administration Advocate for...

Dr. Miklos Lukacs: Humanity vs Transhumanism

In this interview with The New American, British-Peruvian academic Professor Miklos Lukacs discusses the impact of transhumanism on human condition, society, and culture....