God has guided Eduardo Verástegui to utilize his talents in service of His divine mission. In an interview with The New American, Mr. Verástegui delves into the spiritual inspiration underpinning his career in the film industry, particularly highlighting his work on movies like Belle, Little Boy, and Sound of Freedom. The latter stands as a monumental achievement, emerging as perhaps the most successful independent film ever produced in terms of its lasting impact. It has sparked an international movement, fostering collaboration among diverse organizations and governments in the fight against child trafficking.

However, despite its noble cause, the movie faced resistance and harsh criticism from major production companies such as Disney and Fox, as well as from mainstream media outlets. Reflecting on this, Verástegui underscores the significance of the ongoing battle between conservatism and globalism. He emphasizes that the scourge of pedophilia and other forms of child exploitation are integral parts of the globalist agenda. Urging people to take a stand, he asserts that we are amidst a conflict, and individuals must choose which side they are on.

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For more interviews by Veronika, see Unrestricted