Turn Away “Our” ISIS Fighters and Kurdish “Refugees”

Turn Away “Our” ISIS Fighters and Kurdish “Refugees”

The Deep State thought-cartel commands the United States and EU to accept back terrorists who went to fight for ISIS, and also welcome hundreds of thousands of Kurdish “refugees.” ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Deep State thought-cartel commands the United States and EU to accept back terrorists who went to fight for ISIS, and also welcome hundreds of thousands of Kurdish “refugees.”

A sea of tears is being shed for ISIS terrorists who are now trapped inside Syria. Another ocean of tears is being cried for the Kurdish YPG/SDF terrorists, who, until recently, were holding tens of thousands of ISIS terrorists and their family members captive. But now that Turkey has entered the fray on the side of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, both the ISIS jihadi terrorists and the YPG/SDF communist terrorists are in jeopardy. Thousands of the ISIS and Kurdish terrorists are said to be “foreign fighters” who came to the Middle East to fight in the Syrian Civil War on one of the many (at least five) sides of the constantly shifting lineup of combatants. Many of these foreign fighters came from the United States and the countries of the European Union, so the “humanitarians” of the Deep State refugee lobby are insisting that the United States and EU have both a moral obligation and security interest in repatriating “their” ISIS terrorists and receiving up to a million Kurdish “refugees.”

One of the many appeals for ISIS repatriation was presented by Anthony Dworkin, a senior policy fellow of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), in an October 16 column entitled “European foreign fighters in Syria: The cost of inaction.” Dworkin worries about proposals to transfer the imprisoned ISIS jihadists from Syria to Iraq because of “serious concerns about inhumane treatment and a lack of due process in the country.” And he is equally concerned for the terrorists’ welfare if they should end up under the control of the Syrian government because then, he notes, “a regime with a well-documented history of torturing and killing prisoners would have control of many hundreds of European citizens, including large numbers of children.”

Repatriation-Rehabilitation Refrain

“Repatriation remains the most effective way for EU member states to assess each case, prosecute jihadists where necessary, and interrogate returnees to learn more about ISIS methods and plans,” the ECFR senior fellow asserts. “But European countries have done almost nothing to take responsibility for their citizens,” Dworkin says, while further condemning what he called “European countries’ avoidance of any steps to take charge of their foreign fighters.” Acknowledging a recent Odoxa poll, he notes that “European voters strongly opposed the repatriation of ISIS members.” Nevertheless, he holds that European leaders should disregard this widespread sentiment and hearken instead to the advice proffered by him and other ECFR “experts.” 

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