The Last Word
Truckers, Davos Elites, & Collapsing COVID Lies
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Truckers, Davos Elites, & Collapsing COVID Lies

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Ottawa has fallen. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in hiding. As we go to press, Trudeau is issuing defiant press statements from an undisclosed location, where he and his family were taken “for protection.” Was Canada invaded by the Taliban, ISIS, or North Korea?  Have Islamic State mujaheddin turned the Canadian capital into their new caliphate? Of course not; if any of those scenarios had occurred, Trudeau, the pompous, petulant, perpetually preening prime minister of “diversity and inclusion,” might have been more welcoming. 

No, Ottawa was “invaded” by tens of thousands of ordinary, patriotic Canadians and a convoy of thousands of trucks. They had come from across Canada to send an unmistakable message to Trudeau: They have had enough of his COVID tyranny. 

The proximate cause of the truckers’ grievance is Trudeau’s most recent vaccine mandate for truckers coming from the United States. Although the unprecedented, massive convoys were all but invisible on the Canadian state-controlled media (as well as the globalist-controlled commercial media), the word got out through independent social-media efforts. Millions of Canadians lined the nation’s highways, freeways, bridges, and overpasses in sub-zero weather to cheer, wave their maple-leaf flags, and voice their support for the mammoth big-rig parade, which stretched on for more than 50 miles.

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