Exercising the Right

Media Smears Pro-gun Women’s Group

Infowars reported on May 3 about a pro-Second Amendment group of women in California calling themselves the “Mamalitia,” a portmanteau of “Mama” and “militia,” who recently got negative media coverage and had to cancel some of their events as a result. Mamalitia describes itself as a “nonpartisan women’s group that supports the Constitution and the uplifting of women. We are made up of professionals, homemakers, women trained in natural medicine, business owners, and women who actively learn how to be self-sustaining if and when needed.” Infowars reported that CBS Sacramento ran a hit piece on Mamalitia, which has led to members of the group being harassed by leftist “terrorist organizations.” 

The CBS Sacramento piece was published on April 29, and featured quotes from a left-wing academic and a politician making Mamalitia members look like domestic terrorists encouraging violence. Professor Richard Carpiano from the University of California, Riverside reviewed posts from the group’s Facebook page that featured the women holding firearms and concluded this meant Mamalitia was “extremist.” Professor Carpiano told CBS Sacramento, “When you’re showing pictures of you with weapons [and] you are advertising services to train people in firearms, there’s no reason whatsoever to think they’re not pushing some extremist view.”

CBS Sacramento did not ask Professor Carpiano why posing in pictures with lawfully purchased guns or encouraging training in the proper handling of firearms is indicative of extremism, or what he meant by his use of the word “extremist.” Does Professor Carpiano consider Antifa to be “extremist,” or is it only people on the right side of the political spectrum who fit that description? CBS Sacramento reported the professor’s personal opinion, unsupported by any facts, in a way that made him sound as if he were the authority on who is an “extremist.”

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