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The John Birch Society: Leadership Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

The John Birch Society: Leadership Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Rebecca Terrell
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Readers of The New American magazine are well aware of the Deep State menace facing our Constitution, our culture, and our very lives. However, knowing that the problem exists does no good unless we take action to defend our God-given rights from the malicious tyrants who threaten them.

That is why Robert Welch founded The John Birch Society 65 years ago. He called together 11 trusted associates for a two-day conference in Indianapolis and told them:

We do not have to die driven against any wall, nor do we have to lose this struggle at all. As I have said elsewhere, there is enough strength, enough money, enough intelligence, and enough patriotism in the vast business community of America, to form the nucleus that will stop, and destroy, the Communist conspiracy — if we can stir it to action in time. What I am proposing here is the mechanics, and the leadership through men like yourselves, by which it can be stirred to action and that action made effective.

Those words marked the birth in December 1958 of the only organization that exists, even today, to expose the master conspiracy that seeks to destroy godly institutions and to enslave mankind under an oppressive world government. 

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