Taking Action: Global Tax? Get US Out!

William S. Hahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society
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There are no two ways about it: The United Nations is a worldwide cancer that threatens to consume freedom anywhere it is found. What feeds this cancer is seemingly unlimited funding from its members, predominantly the United States. If the UN gets the power to tax, then the cancer will metastasize throughout the world, eventually ushering in world government.

To extract the cancer of the UN, we must merely dry up its source of revenue. The UN exists only because of the funding and the credibility afforded to it by its members. Renouncing our UN membership would send shockwaves through the global community. Legislation to do just that first appeared in 1981, with Representative Larry McDonald (D-Ga.) introducing the “United Nations Termination Act.” We have had the "American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” which would repeal the “UN Participation Act of 1945” as well as other agreements and legislation passed by Congress that have entangled us with the UN.

In 1960, two years after founding The John Birch Society, Robert Welch wrote, “And one thing is certain. If the American people ever do wake up to what is happening to them, and how, or if they ever come to realize what the United Nations is designed to accomplish and what it is really like, that army of slippery Soviet stooges now so arrogantly running the show will need to scurry homeward fast. Our apathy is extreme, and our patience seemingly inexhaustible. But there are ends to all moods, and limits to all endurance.”

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