The Last Word
Swapping Crises for Crises

Swapping Crises for Crises

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

We have a crisis on our southern border, and finally, there seems to be a growing consensus acknowledging this reality. President Donald Trump has been clanging on that bell for the past three years. In fact, it was a signature, if not the signature, element of his campaign. However, in the past several months, as the crisis has escalated to a level that made it undeniable, the usual suspects in the Fake News cabal continued to ridicule the president’s concerns and their “fact checkers” pretended to show evidence that discredited the crisis claims. In February, when President Trump in his State of the Union address said illegal border crossings are an “urgent national crisis,” the New York Times’ “Fact Check” tweeted: “This is false. Illegal border crossings have been declining for two decades.”

Then the border apprehension figures for the month of March rolled in: 103,492 illegals apprehended, more than double the 50,347 of last March, and more than six times the number caught crossing in March 2017. We’re on pace to exceed well over one million apprehensions this year. Our holding facilities and processing facilities for this massive influx — including tens of thousands of children — are stretched to the breaking point. 

“It should be very clear,” said U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, that such “alarming trends ... present both a border security and a humanitarian crisis.” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen described the desperate border situation by borrowing “Category 5” from meteorological terminology for the highest-level monster hurricanes. On April 2, she called the border crisis a “Cat 5 hurricane disaster.”

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