Science Succumbs to Politics
Nuclear “coming out”? The American Nuclear Society recently teamed up with the North American Young Generation in Nuclear group to promote leftist perversion.

Science Succumbs to Politics

When scientific institutions promote anti-family political agendas, is it any wonder that Americans don’t trust them? ...
Jeffrey Mahn
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Today’s science has lost its moral compass. The politically correct and “woke” ideologies of America’s decadent culture have so corrupted every field of science that the public no longer knows what or whom to believe, nor can it distinguish fact from fiction.

Unfortunately, many science organizations have sold out to those intent on making science subservient to politics. The purpose of the man-made global warming hoax* is to destroy the global economy and benefit the elite at the expense of the masses. The global science community, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is aiding and abetting this deception, thereby destroying its own credibility. 

The American medical community provides another example. In continuing to promote Covid nonsense, it has undermined itself. The mantra “follow the science” is now a joke on social media. Doctors are pressured to follow the party line to preserve their jobs and professional licenses. Their leaders promote transgender drugs, gender-altering surgeries for the young, medically assisted suicide, and the immoral trafficking of aborted baby parts. Many medical organizations have embraced the “LGBTQ+ agenda” in spite of its detrimental health consequences. The American Medical Association is even attempting to abolish scientific debate. It recently sent a letter to the U.S. attorney general demanding that anyone who speaks out against child “gender-reassignment” surgeries, puberty blockers, and hormonal therapies be investigated.

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