Right-Wing Terrorists?

Right-Wing Terrorists?

According to major media, mass shooters in America end up being unhinged right-wingers. But that’s just another lie backing up President Trump’s claim that much of media specializes in fake news. ...
C. Mitchell Shaw
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In the current political wave of the ongoing culture war, there is good news and there is bad news. The good news is that the Left has run out of new material and is using the same old stuff over and over again. The bad news is that — having used the same old tactics so many times — the Left has honed them to a razor’s edge and uses them with great efficiency. Perhaps nothing better demonstrates this than the lie repeated so often by the liberal media that maintains that mass shootings are all the work of “right-wing” fanatics. It is so patently false that it simply boggles the mind that anyone would claim it or that anyone else would believe it; but the Left — having cultivated that lie to the level of a received truth — pushes it out again and again after (nearly) every mass shooting.

Evidence of the mendacity of that claim is indeed legion. The space of this article does not allow this writer to unpack all of that evidence, but fortunately, it is unnecessary to do so: A look at only the two most recent shootings will easily demonstrate that such shootings are more likely the work of those who have drunk too deeply from the poisoned well of leftist thinking, and not that of “right-wing” fanatics.

In its typical style, Business Insider took the lie even further, claiming in a headline also dated August 5, “All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism.” The implication is easy to see: The shootings over the weekend of August 3 and 4 are a continuation of the “trend” from 2018. Ergo, the claim that “Right-Wingers Are America’s Deadliest Terrorists” is true. That, of course, assumes that two things can be demonstrated: First, that exactly zero people were killed in 2018 by anyone influenced by leftist thinking, and second, that the shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, were the work of right-wingers.

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