On Trump’s Coattails

On Trump’s Coattails

Media talking heads repeatedly said before the election that Republicans who ascribed to Trump’s views were doomed. They were wrong. Now Trumpites are set to begin changes. ...
Christian Gomez
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In the weeks and days leading up to the election, including the morning thereof, the mainstream media, pundits, and so-called political experts alike were already crowning Hillary Clinton the nation’s first female president. And with this expected historic achievement, Democrats would be swept into office, capturing control of Congress, thus ensuring the Democratic president-elect an unquestionable mandate to govern, similar to 2008. Serendipitously, however, the mainstream media, like the vast majority of its scientific polling, were proven wrong, as they underestimated the countless millions of voters in rural middle America longing for change from the progressive globalist status quo.

Donald Trump’s name on top of the ballot did not prove to be the hazardous liability for the Republican Party that many in the liberal media claimed it would be. In fact, many Republicans were likely reelected to Congress on the coattails of Donald Trump because, historically, congressional Republicans don’t fair well during presidential election years.

Incumbent GOP Senators Marco Rubio of Florida and Rob Portman of Ohio were reelected to the Senate, easily defeating their Democratic opponents in what were expected to be close elections and possible turnovers for the Democrats. In Wisconsin, where all of the state’s internal polling predicted Democrat Russ Feingold winning, incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson surprisingly won with 1,470,262 votes, more than 50 percent of the vote.

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