The Last Word
“Get Trump” — Use Russia, Sex, Obstruction, Whatever

“Get Trump” — Use Russia, Sex, Obstruction, Whatever

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

For more than a year, Hillary Clinton’s surrogates in the establishment media chorus have been shrilly bleating the “Trump-Russia collusion” refrain. We have multiple, ongoing investigations of this alleged Trump-Putin conspiracy — by the FBI, by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, by the House of Representatives, by the Senate, and, of course, by the press. How much evidence have these “investigations” produced thus far to substantiate these serious charges? Virtually zero, although they have yielded evidence of serious wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the Obama administration against Donald Trump and his campaign.

However, having invested so much time, effort, money, and propaganda into the Trump smear scheme, the anti-Trump forces are not about to let up. Nevertheless, the Deep State globalists running the “Get Trump” operation have known all along that the Russia collusion charges are standing on wobbly legs (if not thin air) and will need lots of help to take down the president. Thus, we have been assaulted day after day with a new fire-for-effect scandal du jour, fomented by the transparently hostile media, charging President Trump with racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, narcissism, authoritarianism, Hitlerian tendencies, mental instability, environmental destruction, etc. Each new smear cycle is calculated to put the new administration off balance and divert public attention from the failing Trump-Russia narrative — until the scandal du jour fails also, and the chorus reverts to “Russia, Russia, Russia.”  

The globalist Big Media cartel knows it has a real dilemma with this. On January 21, CNN, the lead falsetto voice in the clangorous, clamorous “Get Trump” choir, got a double smack down — from two of its own choir members. CNN reporter Maeve Reston commented on the fact that regular folks outside of the Beltway and the media bubble aren’t all in a lather over Trump-Russia, as are the screeching heads in medialand. According to Reston, “Out in these districts when you talk to people about Russia, and that’s all we talk about at CNN basically, they say they don’t care.” Yes, “that’s all we talk about at CNN” — and at the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, etc.

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