Great Reset
Fighting the Great Reset With the “Grand Refusal” 
Veronika Kyrylenko and Dr. Michael Rectenwald

Fighting the Great Reset With the “Grand Refusal” 

A former Marxist, Dr. Michael Rectenwald has long warned against the leftist revolution sweeping across the globe and threatening the very foundations of the American Republic. ...
Veronika Kyrylenko
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It has been quite some time since one would be called a conspiracy theorist for talking about the Great Reset. In June of 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) launched the Great Reset initiative, and the WEF website has a whole section about it. Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder and executive chairman, co-authored a book by that name. According to its proponents, the Great Reset is not only real, it is the most viable way to guarantee global peace and prosperity in a post-Covid world. In this interview with The New American’s Veronika Kyrylenko, former New York University professor and former Marxist Dr. Michael Rectenwald said that that could not be further from the truth. Implementation of the Great Reset, he says, would bring nothing but a dystopian nightmare for everyday people.

The New American: Recently, you tweeted an excerpt of the final interview of Larry MacDonald, the late United States congressman and chairman of The John Birch Society, in which he outlined the agenda of subversive American elites to dissolve national sovereignty and move to one-world government. You posted, “I explore this in depth in my forthcoming book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda.” Please tell us what made you choose this particular video clip to promote your book. 

Dr. Michael Rectenwald: Well, I really appreciated that what he was talking about was the subversive elites, because that’s what I think we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with elites who have us as their objects of subversion. And they not only want to subvert national sovereignty; they want to subvert the economy, they want to subvert basically our entire way of life, and they want to utterly control it. So I thought that tweet was very, very interesting and quite apropos to what I’ve been working with.

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