Fighting “Carbon Capture” in Iowa
Despite attempts by “green” companies to convince Iowa farmers to allow them to run “carbon capture” pipelines through their property, Iowans, by and large, understand there is no such thing as man-made climate change, global warming, or global cooling problem. Many of them are old enough and have received solid enough educations — untainted by politically correct, environmentalist indoctrination — that they know CO2 is a normal, necessary component of healthy plant growth and they see through the lies calling CO2 a “pollutant.” Some businessmen have even told me that they are having “a difficult time finding CO2 for their products.”
But the more substantial ramification of this pipeline coming through the nation’s most productive farmland is that farmers are learning about protecting their God-given private-property rights, as well as the importance of knowing the Constitution, getting an accelerated education on what Agenda 21/2030 is, who the Deep State players are behind these ploys (which include many Iowa Republicans), and how to work as Americans to defend their country with the foundation the Founders gave us in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This truly is a situation where the globalists meant evil, but Iowans are turning it into good. At an event in Oskaloosa, Iowa, featuring property-rights activist Tom DeWeese (see "Fighting Carbon-capture Pipelines: Stopping Environmental Idiocracy"), the event host handed out to every attendee a copy of Art Thompson’s book The UN’s Agenda 2030: Marxist Stealth Plan for World Government. Activists across Iowa have been attempting to educate Iowans for years on Agenda 21/2030, and the pipeline has given us an opportunity to confirm the reality of this globalist scheme in a matter of months.
One thing Iowans have learned is that, historically, globalists knew that our middle class would never go along with the traditional Marxist “clash between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie,” so they had to change the “struggle” to environmentalism. After all, who would want to be against taking care of the environment? Iowans are also learning how our Constitution allowed wealth creation by protecting private property, ideas, and inventions (copyright and patent protections in our Constitution), and that maybe we should look at the enumerated powers and pull the multiple three-letter agencies out of the federal realm and restore such power to the states where it rightfully belongs. Economics is being taught along the way, as Iowans are seeing their tax dollars being used by these entities to “buy them off.” Suddenly we are hearing the word “fascism” being spoken in coffee shops and on local talk radio.
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