Fake News Fails to Comprehend

Fake News Fails to Comprehend

Even as left-wing news outlets, such as PBS, wonder aloud why the public distrusts them, they call anyone who disagrees with them vile names and celebrate leftist violence. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On the July 3, 2017 edition of PBS NewsHour, host Judy Woodruff and her guests agonized over a “horrible trend”: Americans do not trust the so-called mainstream media (MSM) anymore. The cause of the PBS panel’s angst was yet another poll showing not only public distrust of the media, but the added insult that more people trust President Donald Trump than trust the media. Salting the wound is the fact that the poll was produced by PBS itself, in conjunction with National Public Radio and Marist Poll.

Woodruff worriedly noted that according to the PBS/NPR/Marist national survey of 1,205 adults, there is “high distrust of the news media.” Only 30 percent of the poll respondents said they had “a great deal” or “a good amount” of trust in the media, as compared to 37 percent who said they had “a great deal” or “a good amount” of trust in the Trump administration. Ouch! That has to hurt; after dumping relentlessly on Trump for months, he not only beats them in the election-day poll, but in the opinion polls as well! Drilling down into the survey data reveals what is, undoubtedly, even more troubling to the liberal Left: The sampling was weighted to include higher numbers of voters identifying themselves as “Democrat,” “Strong Democrats,” and “Democrat leaning independents” than those identifying as “Republican,” “Strong Republican,” and “Republican leaning independents.”

However, the picture — from the standpoint of the worried members of the left-leaning media — is much more “horrible” than even the PBS survey indicates. Woodruff and her Fourth Estate comrades are fully aware that they have been losing trust — and audience share — for years, due largely to their blatant ideological bias. Poll after poll — Gallup, AP, Rasmussen, Pew — has documented the American public’s low esteem for the “prestige” press, the globalist thought cartel that falsely flies under the “mainstream media” banner. A Rasmussen poll in 2013 found that only six percent of Americans considered the major media to be “very trustworthy.” Six percent!

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