Taking Action
Want to Protect America? Get US Out of the United Nations!

Want to Protect America? Get US Out of the United Nations!

William S. Hahn
Article audio provided by the John Birch Society

The New American magazine is worth so much more than its cover price. What other news organization do you know of that attended COP28 to deliver to you the truth behind the climate agenda, investing precious resources to fly a team of three halfway around the world?

Were there no other media outlets attending COP28 that saw the climate alarmism for what it was and were willing to expose the sham?

You might be surprised to learn that The New American was the only accredited media organization exposing the truth about the “climate” agenda from Dubai — and that among the accredited NGOs the only truth-teller we are aware of was Climate Depot. At COP28, The New American stood alone among thousands of reporters by asking the tough, but fair, questions of key officials, including a U.S. Senate delegation that included Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska who supports much of this agenda — even though her constituents are highly dependent on the petroleum industry. (Her lifetime Freedom Index score of 45 percent indicates her level of commitment to the Constitution.)

While the rest of the media attendees touted the globalist narrative of a landmark deal to transition away from fossil fuels, The New American reported the truth about this. Only Western countries are expected to move forward with deindustrializing and transferring mountains of wealth in the form of climate reparations to developing countries under the guiding hand of the United Nations.

Let’s not forget that one of the principles of the American Republic is that the most responsive and responsible government is that which is closest to the people. Given the track record of the UN, how far would you trust global government? Wouldn’t we be better off preserving our Republic and restoring freedom and independence instead of ceding any sovereignty to this anti-American organization?

At the founding meeting of The John Birch Society in 1958, Robert Welch pointed out that the UN is the main international organization siphoning sovereignty from the United States.

Fast forward to today and see the fruits of the UN’s labor. Its Agenda 21 and 2030 projects have reached across the globe to land directly in many of the small communities in America — some landing directly on the doorsteps of landowners in many Plains and Midwestern states. The plight of farmers, ranchers, and other landowners has been chronicled in these very pages. With their property threatened by eminent domain, these hardworking Americans are being attacked by companies that are given federal tax dollars and working under the guise of battling climate change with such gimmicks as carbon capture, which needs physical pipelines to crisscross the countryside to get its product to market — a market that would not exist if Congress would not have offered subsidies.

This agenda must be stopped. Local communities need to become informed of the threats and know how to stop them. The John Birch Society is well equipped to lead this charge, and has been doing so since 1958. Staff and members are the “boots on the ground” educational army that has been helping everyday Americans protect their God-given rights from tyranny. In 2023, we helped protect property from these UN Agenda 2030 land grabs in several states.  

JBS founder Robert Welch launched the “Get US Out! of the United Nations” action project in 1962, and it remains a top priority to this day. Take advantage of our federal legislative alert to tell Congress to vote “yes” on the bills in the House and Senate that remove the United States from the UN, and the UN from the United States. Visit JBS.org/alert/get-us-out-of-the-un/.

Then follow the Founding Fathers’ example and work with others to disseminate information and create relationships among influencers, elected officials, and those who actually want to do something. Start at JBS.org.