ISIS: The Best Terror Threat U.S. Tax Money Can Buy

ISIS: The Best Terror Threat U.S. Tax Money Can Buy

ISIS, the throat-cutting, children-murdering Islamist terrorist organization that is taking over large segments of Iraq and Syria, owes its beginning to the U.S. government. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The self-styled “Islamic State,” the gaggle of medieval savages and barbarians often referred to as ISIS or ISIL, is now infamous worldwide for its unrestrained brutality. The al-Qaeda offshoot exploded onto the scene in 2014 amid its gruesome and bloody effort to build an Islamic “Caliphate,” exterminate “apostates,” and overthrow the “apostate” regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. America and the West are supposedly next — at least that is what the public is being told.

Ever since ISIS emerged seemingly out of nowhere, Americans and people around the globe have been treated to a steady TV diet of beheadings, massacres, crucifixions, and other unspeakable horrors perpetrated by the group. Even young children, whose only “crime” was professing faith in Jesus Christ, have been butchered in the most grotesque ways imaginable by the terror outfit. Eventually, ISIS leaders claim, the whole world will submit to the Islamic god, Allah, and his caliph on Earth, a mystery man who goes by the name “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” and was once detained in the U.S.-run prison Camp Bucca in Iraq.

The jihadist savagery perpetrated by ISIS is now well documented and well known, with the group’s atrocities being used as a pretext to further empower governments and the United Nations and attack liberty and national sovereignty on a global scale. What is less known, though, is how ISIS — like countless horror shows before it — represents merely the latest bitter fruit produced by U.S. foreign policy and the machinations of the globalist establishment that largely controls it.

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