Foundations: Cutting Off the Toxic Funding Flow

Foundations: Cutting Off the Toxic Funding Flow

If the deadly schemes of the giant tax-exempt foundations are to be stopped — and they must be — we must learn from the failed attempts of the past to bring them to account. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If the deadly schemes of the giant tax-exempt foundations are to be stopped — and they must be — we must learn from the failed attempts of the past to bring them to account.

According to a September 2015 article on George Soros in the journal Inside Philanthropy, the hedge fund billionaire had, by that time, given away about $12 billion through his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Much, if not most, of that has gone to “progressive” causes, including hundreds of organizations in over 100 countries. As we detail elsewhere (see here and here), many of these OSF grantees are fronts for, or close allies of, socialist and communist organizations promoting subversive agendas, including rioting and revolution. As the street riots, looting, and chaos have escalated, there has been a rising call to hold the wealthy funders of the ongoing havoc accountable for the social demolition and economic carnage their minions are causing.

Under our tax laws, the huge foundations — OSF, Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, etc. — are tax-exempt because they supposedly perform a public, philanthropic service. Clearly, however, many of these institutions have grossly betrayed the public trust and deserve not only to have their tax-exempt privilege revoked, but also to have many of their top executives (and the “philanthropists” behind them) prosecuted for criminal activity as well. Such an undertaking will not be easy. With the many billions of dollars at their disposal, as well as the kept politicians and media allies (not to mention the armies of street radicals) they can depend on to come to their defense, we can be sure the foundations will put up a formidable fight.

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