Have You Heard of Fuellmich, the Imprisoned Nuremberg 2.0, “Plandemic” Hero?
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Reiner Fuellmich
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

You probably have never heard the name Reiner Fuellmich. In fact, not many news sources are covering his story. But Fuellmich, a successful and respected attorney, has been imprisoned in Germany for almost a year. This is despite having been convicted of nothing. But according to the government, he’s guilty of financial crimes; embezzlement appears to be the charge. His defenders, however, say his “trespass” is different.

Fuellmich attempted to hold the powerful responsible for their Covid misdeeds, spearheading a “Nuremberg 2.0” movement. He thereby threatened their power and purse.

So, to paraphrase Stalin right-hand man Lavrentiy Beria, they were shown the man — and the found the crime.

Is Government’s Zero Really a Hero?

At Substack, writer Robin Westenra provided background on Fuellmich’s story last month. According to Westenra:

Reiner Fuellmich, 66, has been a trial lawyer in Germany and California for about 30 years and has always defended consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises against large corporations.

He has won major cases against Volkswagen (the diesel issue), Kühne und Nagel, and Deutsche Bank, for which Fuellmich himself worked, and which he defines as “one of the largest criminal organizations”.

During the lockdowns in 2020, Fuellmich and his wife were in their ranch in California, but as the situation appeared to them to be quite strange, they decided to return to Germany to find out what was really going on.

He soon recognized the COVID crimes against humanity and on July 10, together with three other lawyers, Viviane Fischer, Antonia Fischer (no relation) and Justus Hoffmann, he created the “[German] CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE” in Berlin, whose aim was to shed light on the actions of governments, institutions, the medical community, etc. in the context of the C-19 pandemic.

Fuellmich collected a vast amount of information, too. In fact, he conducted approximately 400 interviews with about 150 scientists and experts from the world over, states Westenra.

Threatening the Powerful

But it was what Fuellmich intended to do with that information that really rattled the establishment, say his defenders. As American Thinker’s Janet Levy writes today, what has really invited the authorities wrath

is his spearheading “Nurenberg 2.0,” [sic] a movement to sue the elite who orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the Great Reset. Fuellmich[’s] … German Corona Investigative Committee (GCIC) … probed the virus’s spread, its actual danger, the PCR test’s reliability, and how much damage the anti-pandemic measures (including the vaccine) caused.

The committee also investigated if measures such as lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and quarantine protected people from Covid-19 or just caused panic so that Big Pharma could generate huge profits on the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests, and vaccines.

As for Nuremberg 2.0, I wrote about the effort in 2022. I mentioned that Dr. Robert Malone, the renowned pioneer of mRNA-vaccine technology, had called the Covidian imposition of the “vaccines” “the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history.” He’d also said that there may be justification for “Fuellmich’s ‘Crimes against Humanity’ push.”

The Empire Strikes Back?

So if you’re in the establishment and someone wants to get you charged with a crime, what can you do?

Charge him with a crime first.

Levy provides some background on the case against Fuellmich, writing that the GCIC

had received donations from many sources. Since members were afraid that governments might freeze the funds, it was decided to buy and hold gold worth a million euros. As another safekeeping measure, Fuellmich and another committee member, Viviane Fischer, withdrew funds as private, secured loans from the committee. Fuellmich, who borrowed €700,000 (about $782,000), was to pay it back by selling his house. Both, the gold purchase and the loans were clearly documented.

The legal case is somewhat involved, and I won’t get into the weeds. (Levy provides more detail if you’re interested.) In summary, though, some committee associates accuse Fuellmich of embezzlement. This is despite his house’s sale proceeds (€1.158 million) having ended up in one of his accusers’ accounts, claims Levy. Fuellmich’s side also asserts that he was set up by the German government. They additionally claim that the feds used plants inside his committee to accomplish this.

Who’s the Villain?

So what’s the Truth? There’s no question that even well-meaning people may, when the opportunity presents itself, enrich themselves via their good works. Of course, I’ve no idea whether this was or wasn’t the case with Fuellmich. Here’s what we can be certain of, however:

Modern statist governments are not, in the main, well meaning. They’re power mad.

And lawfare is now status quo. Notorious New York prosecutor Letitia James used it to attack and destroy a conservative website, as I reported in August. Roger Stone was targeted with a “shock and awe” pre-dawn raid merely because he was an associate of Donald Trump. Then, of course, there’s Trump himself, the poster boy for politically driven prosecutions.

Scary Truths — for the Establishment

And whatever the truth on Fuellmich’s legal issues, his Covid determinations appear compelling. As Levy also informs, the GCIC drew the following conclusions:

  • With a survival rate of 99.97%, Covid-19 was no more dangerous than the common flu, did not cause excess mortality, and children were at no risk from the coronavirus. Research by Stanford professor and physician-researcher John Ioannides found that mortality was equivalent to that of the seasonal flu and that people were unnecessarily driven to panic.
  • The PCR tests were unreliable and were used to prove mass infection. According to former Pfizer vice-president and biotech leader Dr Michael Yeadon, the false positive rate was 89-94%.
  • The mandates, including lockdowns, had no impact on the incidence of Covid. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Britain, with its strict approach, had comparable rates of disease and mortality.
  • There were credible reports worldwide of doctors and hospitals receiving financial incentives for declaring deceased patients Covid victims.
  • Healthcare systems were never in danger of being overwhelmed. Many hospitals were empty. An example: the Hospital Ship Comfort, anchored outside New York City, took in no more than 20 patients when it could have accommodated 1,000.
  • The Covid mandates were designed to destroy regional economies, create dependence on global supply chains, reduce population, and install a world government under the aegis of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the U.N.

Swamp Things Are Hard to Kill

Moreover, Fuellmich and some colleagues “worked to identify the guilty parties, including many financial, pharma, and tech companies,” writes Levy. “They were determined to prosecute them under criminal law and sue them for civil damages through a class action lawsuit. An international network of lawyers was to take up the cases and present the overwhelming evidence from experts. Live streaming would ensure that the public would decide on the political consequences for world leaders complicit in the global ‘plandemic.’”

If this is true, then Fuellmich was really going to “drain the swamp,” with extreme prejudice. So maybe, just perhaps, he is guilty of the charges against him. If so, though, they came at a mighty convenient time for the pseudo-elites — just in time to save their skins.