Unstoppable. Irrepressible. On-fire. Passionate. Mike Lindell is on a mission and he’s not going to let the cancel culture censors at Big Tech, Big Media, or Big Business — or even his “friends” at Newsmax and Fox — stop him. Today, Friday, February 5, he has released his two-hour documentary, “Absolute Proof,” which he says shows “100 percent” the theft of our election by China and other countries.
In a rousing promotion for the new documentary aired over The Revival Channel of the Word Broadcasting Network (WBN) on Tuesday, the millionaire entrepreneur and enthusiastic Trump supporter repeatedly stressed that he has assembled damning evidence that conclusively shows the election was stolen from President Trump and the American people.
The documentary is available to view on his own website, MichaelJLindell.com, and, reportedly, on the One America News Network (OANN), and other sites to be announced. The New American has posted Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” video here for your convenience:
“Thou Shalt Not!” – Big Tech’s Censorious Commandments
The Orwellian censors at Twitter banned Lindell on January 26 for promoting what the Fake News Media repeatedly refer to as “baseless claims” of voter fraud. “Twitter has permanently banned My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s account after he continually perpetuated the baseless claim that Donald Trump won the 2020 U.S. presidential election,” the Associated Press reported on January 26.
Of course, Twitter’s Ministry of Truth had already banned President Donald Trump a couple of weeks earlier — along with tens of thousands of other Americans who had one way or another stepped over Big Tech’s arbitrary and ever-changing political correctness line-in-the-sand. Among the “Thou shalt not” absolutes now being ruthlessly enforced by the Big Tech oligarchy: any mention of election fraud; any mention of COVID-19 fraud; any opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns; any opposition to COVID-19 mask mandates; any questioning or challenging of COVID-19 vaccines; any opposition to mandatory vaccines; any challenge to LGBTQ political correctness; etc., etc., etc.
But political correctness is not in Mike Lindell’s DNA. The outspoken businessman is a fervent evangelical Christian whose drug addict-to-CEO life story is a remarkable and inspiring example of the power of grace, prayer, and heroic perseverance. After years of alcohol and drug abuse, he invented the “My Pillow” pillow in 2004, and has grown it into a bedding company with over 100 products and hundreds of employees.
In 2020, Mr. Lindell served as the state chairman of President Trump’s campaign in Lindell’s home state of Minnesota, and he is a staunch supporter of the president’s efforts to expose massive voter fraud and election cyber warfare by China.
Lindell is an ardent pro-life, pro-family advocate and reportedly contributed $1 million for the movie Unplanned, the true biopic about Abby Johnson, the director of a large Planned Parenthood abortion center who converted to Christianity and has become a pro-life crusader. At the end of the movie, Lindell has a cameo role as the driver of the bulldozer that knocks down the Planned Parenthood sign.
All Not Well at Newsmax
Now he is fighting an even bigger battle against even bigger odds, while being censored and deplatformed by the liberal-left media and social media companies. As if all that isn’t bad enough, Lindell also faced a hostile “interview” and censorship on the conservative network Newsmax on February 2, during which anchor Bob Sellers repeatedly interrupted Lindell, then got up out of his chair and stormed off the set. Sellers insisted that Newsmax was not going to allow Lindell to discuss election fraud, asserting that the election had been certified and settled. Sellers’ outrageous treatment of Lindell and his insistence on adopting the Big Media/Big Tech party line of unquestioning acceptance of the official election results reportedly caused considerable blowback from Newsmax viewers. In a subsequent episode, Sellers apologized for his over-the-top reaction and referred to Lindell as “a friend of the network.”
The Sellers escapade adds to other concerns that Newsmax may be drifting the way of Fox. The hiring of disgraced former ABC/NBC pundit Mark Halperin has been cause for concern. As the result of charges of sexual harassment by multiple women, Halperin was bounced from NBC in 2017. Although he denied some of the particular charges, he apologized for “inappropriate” behavior and said he was going to “properly deal with this situation.” However, aside from Halperin’s status as “damaged goods,” there is his left-wing persuasion and pedigree. His father, Morton Halperin, is a notorious far-left/pro-communist activist who has worked for the ACLU, the Carnegie Endowment, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Center for American Progress. Morton Halperin is currently a senior advisor to George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and has been closely involved with the subversive Institute for Policy Studies and the pro-communist National Lawyers Guild.
Mark Halperin’s father, Morton Halperin, and his brother, David Halperin, are members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. In 2019, Mark Halperin came out with a campaign-themed book entitled How To Beat Trump: America’s Top Political Strategists On What It Will Take. A gaggle of left-wing Democrats assisted him in this effort to rehabilitate his career: Donna Brazile, James Carville, David Axelrod, Jennifer Granholm, Kathleen Sebelius, Bob Shrum, Anita Dunn, Karen Dunn — and others.
Then there’s the troubling political “evolution” of Newsmax founder and CEO Christopher Ruddy. Not only has he given $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, but has also become something of a buddy of and cheerleader for Bill Clinton, opining that Clinton “was a pretty good president in a lot of ways.” Ruddy the executive has come a long way since his investigative journalism days tracking Bill and Hillary Clinton’s crime spree. His 1997 book The Strange Death of Vincent Foster was a damning indictment of the Clintons — and of the media and government cover-up of the Foster murder, which (like the Jeffrey Epstein death) has been officially ruled a suicide. Now Ruddy calls himself a “moderate conservative” and has adopted Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch’s modus operandi of cozying up to both political parties.
Are the Bob Sellers/Mike Lindell dust-up, the Mark Halperin hiring, and Chris Ruddy’s political “mellowing” signs that Newsmax may be drifting in the same leftward direction as Fox, even while staking out a conservative-sounding agenda to lure in Fox defectors? Something to think about.
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