Randall Terry and Pastor Stephen Broden are at it again! After running a presidential campaign on the Constitution Party ticket in 2024, they’ve now entered the race for two open congressional seats in Florida.

Their goal, however, is not to win. “Our mission is to blow a hole in the side of the Democrat Party’s boat,” Terry explains. Here’s how they plan to do it:

As federal candidates, Terry and Broden are able to broadcast uncensored campaign commercials. It’s part of federal law. Their commercials expose the horrors of sexual deviancy, gender-mutilation and “child-killing.” (Pastor Broden insists on calling it what it is rather than using the evasive term “abortion.”) And the consistent message throughout their advertisements is that voting for Democrats is equivalent to voting for the current war on children.

You can view their ads on the campaign website DestroyTheDemocratParty.com. (These ads are shown in the interview above, so viewer discretion is advised.) Their presidential ads are also still available at Terry2024.com.

Terry and Broden have identified other campaigns that need similar coverage. Three are coming up this year (Albany, New York; Houston, Texas; Arizona), and there will be many more in 2026. They encourage patriots across the country to consider running. The point isn’t to win the seat; it’s to run ads. If you are interested, email [email protected].

Currently, Pastor Broden is running in Florida’s U.S. House District 1, a seat recently vacated by Republican Matt Gaetz. Terry is running in District 6, empty since President Donald Trump selected Republican Michael Waltz to serve as national security advisor. Election day is April 1. Incidentally, neither Broden nor Terry live in Florida; according to Terry, residency is not required to run for federal congressional office in any state.

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