“Reality doesn’t care about your energy fantasties.” This tag line from David Blackmon’s “Energy Transition Absurdities” Substack should be the final word in debates over so-called man-made climate change and eco-radicals’ net-zero-by-2050 fantasies. However, Blackmon never seems to run out of material for his popular blog, which plays host to more than 4,000 subscribers. It’s a well-deserved following, as Blackmon’s resume reflects a 40-year career in the oil and gas industry, with much of that dedicated to public policy analysis and consultancy. He is the past Texas State Lead for America’s Natural Gas Alliance and is currently senior contributor to Forbes online.

He recently posted one of his articles published in the Petroleum Economist: “Gas remains the workhorse of the Texas grid.

In it he points out that although Texas is a green darling, with more than 20 percent of its grid reliant on wind power, it was gas (and coal) – not wind – that averted rolling blackouts during this past summer’s heat.

In this information-packed interview, he discusses the vital role of gas and coal in meeting power demand and the folly of solar and wind pursuits. He also reveals the end game of eco-lunacy.