Our New American crew brings you continuing coverage of CPAC 2023, the Conservative Political Action Conference. The New American senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko and “2A for Today” host Zoe Warren are on the scene in Washington, D.C., covering CPAC events. You can follow them at TheNewAmerican.com.

The head of NATO promises membership to Ukraine, while Zelensky warns that American blood will spill if his country loses its war with Russia. 

Elon Musk gets a warning from the Chinese Communist Party, as the newly launched U.S. House Select Committee on the CCP holds its first hearing. 

Senators Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) pounce on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in Judiciary Committee oversight hearing testimony. 

Steve Milloy of JunkScience.com tells TNA’s Alex Newman that the federal government’s own data shows no global warming over the last 8 years despite increased human emissions of CO2. 

And is there another pandemic in the making? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing for it now. Rebecca Terrell and Daniel Natal discuss these and other headlines.  

Alex Newman brings us up to date on climate realism from the Heartland Institute conference.   

In our “Taking Action” segment, TNA executive senior editor Steve Bonta answers the question, “Is there such a thing as truth, and how do we find it?” 

The New American TV is dedicated to bringing you the Truth Behind the News. Join us each weekday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern at wvwtv.com/live https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv and at TheNewAmerican.com at 5 p.m. Eastern.