GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance discussed everything from abortion to homosexuals to a Netflix series in yesterday’s interview with podcaster Joe Rogan.
But the most important thing he explained is how Biden won the 2020 election. Vance didn’t discuss mail-in ballots, or the sudden after-midnight ballot bonanza President Joe Biden received that put him over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. He didn’t mention vote fraud.
Rather, the pro-Biden, far-left social and Mainstream Media swung the election to Joe Biden by conspiring to squelch the Hunter Biden laptop story, which provided evidence about the Biden Crime Family’s global influence-peddling scheme.
Had fence-sitting voters known of it, Vance argued, Trump would have been elected to a second term.
Laptop Story Suppression
The media’s major role in handing Biden the victory began when the hate-Trump FBI falsely said the laptop — which contained emails showing the Biden Mafia’s corruption — was “Russian disinformation”; that is, lies manufactured in Russia.
Though no evidence suggested as much, and the intelligence community knew the laptop was real, the FBI pushed Facebook to censor the New York Post’s opening stories about it just weeks before the 2020 election. The FBI personnel who briefed Facebook were Democratic donors. Twitter also suppressed the story.
U.S. House Intelligence Committee chieftain Adam Schiff, a far-left California Democrat, falsely claimed the Kremlin manufactured the laptop. Terrified that former President Donald Trump might win the election, 51 former intelligence officials amplified the Big Lie.
During the third presidential debate with former President Donald Trump, the lie from the spies enabled Biden to utter this whopper:
There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what [Trump is] accusing me of is a Russian plant. Five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.
But the laptop wasn’t “garbage” or Russian disinformation. Its contents revealed details about the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme in Ukraine, as well as Hunter Biden’s links to the Chinese Communist Party, which in turn, as his former business partner said, linked the Chinese Reds to his father and permitted them to infiltrate the Obama administration.
Aside from the laptop, the U.S. House Oversight Committee later revealed that the Biden Mafia took in more than $20 million from foreign sources.
The laptop and its contents proved that Biden was corrupt. Amusingly, Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against former Trump aide Rudy Giuliani — long with court filings from the special counsel who prosecuted him — said the laptop was his.
So, again, the FBI lied about it, as did social media, the mainstream media, the Democrats, and, of course, Joe Biden.
Had Swing Voters Known …
Rogan opened the discussion with Vance about the laptop by citing Mark Zuckerberg’s confession that Facebook censored the story at the request of the FBI. And had Elon Musk not purchased Twitter, he said, no one would have known how much influence the FBI had over distribution of the truth.
“They were silencing something they knew to be correct. … There was no outrage from the left” about the lie, Rogan said:
The Left was like, it’s fine because it’s our side and Trump is evil and he’s Hitler. We got to get rid of him, so let’s just lie about this laptop.
“And no consequences,” Vance added. Vance vowed that the intelligence officials who pushed the lie will lose their security clearances in a Trump administration.
As for the 2020 election, the media will “find the craziest conspiracy theory about what happened in 2020. They’ll debunk it and say, ‘Oh, look … this shows that nothing bad happened in 2020,’” Vance continued:
There’s a nonpartisan organization that actually looked at what would have happened to Americans’ votes if they had just known the truth about the fact that Joe Biden fundamentally had traded his political influence for money. …
It’s an old-fashioned American corruption story — I will give you access to powerful people in exchange for money. That was the true scandal of the Hunter Biden laptop.
Forget the Boy Wonder’s drug problems and strippers, Vance said.
The real story “was the corruption. … A nonpartisan organization said that knowledge, which was suppressed by the entire American media and Big Tech scene, that would have changed millions upon millions of votes.”
Some 88,000 votes in four swing states “were the difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden winning the 2020 election,” Vance said. “So set to the side all of the other arguments about fraud and all the other rule changes that happened in the midst of Covid.”
Big Tech colluded with the FBI, Vance said. Although the FBI said the laptop was disinformation, Big Tech must take responsibility for believing the disinformation lie and suppressing the story:
If they had not done what they did, Donald Trump would have won another term as president of the United States. You’re never going to be able to convince me that if millions upon millions of swing voters knew the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption and it was staring them in the face, that we would not have been able to pull that one out.
Indeed, columnist Tim Murtaugh reported in The Washington Times:
Trump pollster John McLaughlin found that 4.6% of Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known about it, easily enough to flip results in key states.
Another poll found that 17 percent of Biden voters in the seven swing states would have changed their votes had they known about the laptop and corruption.