Literary Agency Cans Agent for Joining Gab, Parler; Leftist Social Media Tyranny Intensifies
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The leftist witch hunt for anyone who deviates from its orthodoxies and narratives intensified last week. A literary agency fired an agent for joining Gab and Parler, social media sites that do not censor users for politically incorrect material.

Colleen Oefelein, a Christian conservative, joined the sites in November with no apparent problem. But last Monday, the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency pink-slipped her.

Oefelein apparently did nothing wrong; the agency didn’t cite anything Oefelein wrote on the platforms.

Message from the Left: You will not express an opinion that we do not approve. Nor will you associate with anyone we do not approve. If you do, you will be canceled.

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Twitter Snitch

Canceling Oefelein, of course, was the object of the tweet that notified her employer that she had joined the site. 

“I’m now also posting on Parler,” she tweeted on November 12:

It’s a great platform with no censorship! 

Giving away a few critiques there next week. Come find me @ColleenOefelein #WritingCommunity 

Oefelein joined Gab in January, her account says. She posted an appeal for romance writers to send her their work.

The agency, which boasts such clients as leftist actor Ed Asner and Exorcist star Linda Blair, apparently didn’t know. 

Sometime on January 25 in a now-deleted tweet, YA Whispers asked this: “Does @JDLitAgency that one of their agents frequent alt-right social media like Parler and Gab?”

By 10:09 a.m., Oefelein was jobless. 

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention,” wrote the agency foundress, Jennifer De Chiara. “I have taken swift action, and as of this morning, January 25th, Colleen Oefelein is no longer an agent at this agency.”

Leftist Newsweek reported De Chiara’s flimsy excuse before she shut down her account to the public.

“The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency was distressed to discover this morning, January 25th, that one of our agents has been using the social media platforms Gab and Parler,” De Chiara wrote: 

We do not condone this activity, and we apologize to anyone who has been affected or offended by this. The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency has in the past and will continue to ensure a voice of unity, equality, and one that is on the side of social justice.

As of this morning, Colleen Oefelein is no longer an agent at The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency.

Oefelein knew exactly why she was fired: “Well thanks Twitter and @JDLitAgency. I just got fired because I’m a Christian and a conservative.”

Twitter leftists spewed the usual bile.

“This agent let everyone know she’s on Parler a little over 2 months ago,” one wrote:

Just after the election.

With a particular note that it has “no censorship.” Which is a clear signal to a very specific group of people (read: bigots).

And I find that alarming.

Wrote another in false attack on Gab and Parler users, “No, you were fired because you pal around with people who’d like to murder anyone who doesn’t look like them.”

Ending Careers

Oefelein should not have been surprised. 

If President Trump can be canceled, anyone can. Twitter permanently banned Trump for tweets “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” after the melee at the mostly peaceful protest on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol.

Two of his tweets supposedly trespassed its “Glorification of Violence” rule, which applies, generally, only to conservatives. Trump’s offense was calling his supporters patriots and announcing that he would not attend President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Banks have canceled Trump’s account. Simon and Shuster canceled publication of Senator Josh Hawley’s book because he challenged the presidential election.

As The New American reported in 2019, Facebook monitors offline behavior of users to determine whether they should be labeled a “hate agent.” Credit card companies refuse to do business with “hate” sites.

Yet conservative Christians such as Oefelein — and many others before her — aren’t the radical left’s only targets. Now, Big Tech targets non-conforming social media sites to stifle competition and shut down any discussion the Left doesn’t like.

After the mad rush to Parler when Twitter banned Trump for supposedly inciting the violence at the Capitol, Amazon deplatformed the site, supposedly because it played a role in the mayhem. A federal judge denied Parler’s request for a court order to stop Amazon from destroying it.

The Left has targeted as a “far-right extremist” site, but Gab owns its servers, which protects itself from the cancel mob.

H/T: Breitbart