Irresponsible Rhetoric: Michigan Gov. Whitmer Blames Trump for Kidnapping Plot
Gov. Whitmer (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Liberal politicians and their media allies continue to peddle the false narrative that President Donald Trump is some sort of racist, as Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer chose to use the foiled kidnapping plot against her as yet another way to cast at least part of the blame for the plot on Trump.

Six men were charged in federal court on Thursday for a conspiracy to kidnap Whitmer. The government charged in a complaint that the men were angry with Whitmer for her exercise of what they allegedly called her “uncontrolled power.” Seven additional men with the group Wolverine Watchmen were charged in state court for allegedly plotting to storm the Michigan Capitol in an effort to launch a “civil war.”

The two groups had trained together, and state police said they were planning “various acts of violence.”

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While the two groups had no connection whatsoever with either the Republican Party or were in any way in support of Trump, that did not stop Whitmer from trying to score political points against the president, less than a month away from a national election. Whitmer claimed that Trump did not condemn White supremacists during his debate with Joe Biden last week — which is false. Trump not only condemned all such extremists then, he has condemned white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK repeatedly over a long period of time.

Whitmer said, “Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry, as a call to action.”

The White House dismissed Whitmer’s efforts to tie Trump to her kidnapping as “outlandish.” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany charged Whitmer is “sowing division. President Trump has continually condemned White supremacists and all forms of hate … America stands united against hate and in support of our federal law enforcement who stopped this plot.”

For one thing, according to the federal complaint against the alleged conspirators, they had been plotting the kidnapping of the governor for several weeks, long before the Trump-Biden debate. Unless the conspirators can predict the future, there is no way that anything he said during the debate inspired them to do anything. Nothing in the criminal complaint mentioned Trump as having inspired the kidnapping effort, but that did not stop Whitmer’s politicization of a criminal conspiracy.

“Just last week, the President of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn White supremacists and hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups,” Whitmer said. “When our leaders speak, their words matter. They carry weight.”

That would include, one should add, the words of Governor Whitmer. Her harsh rhetoric could inspire an attack upon Trump, for that matter.

The groups that were allegedly involved in the plot to kidnap Whitmer were not Trump supporters. In fact, one of them can be seen on a You Tube video castigating those who do support Trump. Brandon Caserta, one of the men charged, said, “Trump is not your friend…. He is a tyrant.” (See video below.) Actually, his words sound more like a Biden supporter, or even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi than someone who is for Trump.

Caserta, who is an anarchist, also is not a friend of the nation’s local police officers who have been strongly embraced by Trump. The nation’s cops have also embraced Trump, with several police organizations backing the president.

But not Caserta, a leader in the alleged kidnapping plot. “It amazes me that people actually, like, believe that when he’s shown over and over and over against that he’s a tyrant. Every single person who works for government is your enemy, dude.”

Caserta, in contrast, has referred to local police as a “violent gang” and “the enemy.” (See video below; note the anarchist flag in the background.)

In the government’s criminal complaint, they accuse the group of planning to use Molotov cocktails to destroy police vehicles. This seems more like some of the groups involved in rioting, groups who are certainly not Trump backers.

Despite a long history of blaming conservatives for any act of violence that takes place, those on the left side of the political spectrum have used vitriolic and incendiary rhetoric against Republicans and conservatives, and particularly President Trump on pretty much a daily basis since he won the Republican Party nomination back in 2016.

When a Senator Bernie Sanders supporter attempted to murder Republican members of Congress who were practicing for the congressional baseball game, no one in Democratic Party leadership or in the liberal media discussed the possibility that harsh leftist rhetoric could have driven the man to try to kill Congressman Steve Scalise, a Republican. Had a Ted Cruz backer shot up a bunch of Democratic members of Congress, what would they media have said?

Then, when another Bernie Sanders supporter violently assaulted Senator Rand Paul, who was simply mowing the lawn at his home in Kentucky, the media saw no political motive whatsoever. Instead they chalked it up to a dispute over Paul’s leaves drifting over to the neighbor’s yard! If a Paul supporter had similarly attacked a Democratic senator, what would have been the reaction of the media? We know the answer.

In this case of the attempted kidnapping of a liberal Democrat governor, however, she opts to place at least part of the blame on a man the plotters openly disdain — Donald Trump.

Whitmer’s irresponsible rhetoric could lead some deranged leftist to seek revenge on the President Trump, but it is unlikely that Democrats in public office or in the media would dare make that connection.