Sometimes drug-addled and overly coddled, Hunter Biden isn’t generally viewed as a font of competence. But when the prey is cash, an enormously effective Hunter he is.
This conclusion again suggests itself after a bank with offices in China gave Senate Republicans records evidencing that Hunter, and Joe Biden’s brother James, got millions of dollars from Chinese companies. What relevant expertise the Bidens could’ve possibly provided to justify such payments has not been reported. Apparently, say critics, what they could and did offer was the Biden name and the capacity to influence the U.S. government.
The Washington Times reports on the story, writing that “Cathay Bank, which is based in Los Angeles but has offices in China, voluntarily turned over bank records requested by Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa. Every other American bank denied the two Republicans’ requests for financial records.”
“‘In my mind, it’s the Chinese government telling Joe Biden, ‘We got the goods on you, buddy, and we’re willing to dish it up,’” Johnson told The Washington Times.
According to a Cathay spokesman, however, Johnson is guilty of wishful political thinking. Per the Times again:
“Cathay Bank, a NASDAQ-listed, U.S. financial institution for over 60 years, has cooperated with the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s request for information. The bank intends to continue to cooperate with the committee,” he said in a statement to The Times. “Cathay Bank was founded more than sixty years ago by a United States citizen, and serves American communities as a bank with over $20 billion in assets and more than 60 branches in 9 states. Cathay Bank is neither owned by nor affiliated with the Chinese government in any way.”
The bank’s motives may well be pure here, although, companies can’t do business in China without pandering to Beijing. That said, one could also wonder why the Chinese government would want to hurt Biden, as this could help President Trump — the last man Beijing wants to have to deal with.
For certain, however, is that the Bidens sure can rake in the cash. As the Times also informs:
The records the bank handed over showed deep financial ties between the president’s son and brother and the now-defunct CEFC China Energy, which had ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The energy giant wired $1 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture owned by Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a business associate of CEFC’s founder and chairman, Ye Jianming.
A second Chinese energy company, Northern International Capital Holdings, which is associated with the communist-backed CEFC, wired $5 million to Hudson West III, the Cathay Bank records show. The money sent from the two companies funded a $4.8 million wire transfer from Hudson West III to Hunter Biden’s companies Owasco P.C. and Owasco LLC, and Lion Hall Group, owned by the president’s brother James Biden.
The Cathay records show Owasco P.C. sent 20 wire transfers totaling nearly $1.4 million to the Lion Hall Group. Hudson West III paid Hunter Biden a $500,000 retainer fee plus $100,000 per month. James Biden was paid $65,000 per month.
Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong also opened a $99,000 line of credit for Hunter, James Biden, and the latter’s wife, Sara Biden. This was used to buy luxuries and live the high life, a report by Johnson and Grassley informs.
The records list other payments that made their way from Chinese entities to the Bidens as well. What’s more, Cathay’s information constitutes just one chapter in the voluminous book of the Bidens’ foreign business dealings, the Times points out. Other chapters involve millions of dollars collected via deals with Russian and Ukrainian entities, as well as those in other nations.
Additionally, The Gateway Pundit mentions an $80,000 diamond Hunter received from a Chinese source as a gift — and then valued at $10,000 (tax fraud?). The site also reports, “Colorado Attorney Kevin Evans says the Biden Department of Justice is hiding hundreds of documents on [other] gifts Joe and Hunter Biden received from China.”
It’s not just the greed that’s the problem, either, but that there’s an apparent quid pro quo. For example, the Times mentions that the Biden Department of Justice nixed President Trump’s “China Initiative,” which was designed to counteract Beijing’s theft of state-of-the-art American technology. The DOJ justified its action by citing civil-rights concerns. (The program discriminated against foreign thieves?)
The administration also scrapped tariffs on Chinese solar panels. Beijing no doubt has many to spare, too, since it’s busy building coal plants and spewing the flora food called CO2 into the air.
But the Bidens’ corruption is truly expansive. Just last week Fox News reported (video below) that, while Joe Biden claims to have known nothing about his son’s business dealings, new documents show that Hunter’s business associates visited the White House more than 80 times when he was vice president. (Perhaps Joe was out eating ice cream on all those occasions.)
Yet, as the top commenter under the above video noted, “If that would’ve been Trump’s family, he would’ve been locked up years ago.” The establishment, inclusive of mainstream media, are like the sentient programs in the film The Matrix: They guard all the gates and hold all the keys.
“Biden’s” DOJ will never prosecute their man and, controlled as the D.C. bureaucracy is by the Deep State, the department would be unlikely to do so even if a Republican were president. There’s also no significant pressure on them to do so, with the media largely ignoring the story. As I said years ago already, being a liberal today means never having to say you’re sorry.
Or, at least, that’s how it will be unless and until civilization “reboots.”