Stumping on the campaign trail last week, President Joe Biden memorialized January 6 by blasting his predecessor and spouting a leftist diatribe.
Biden made his first major campaign remarks of the year last Friday in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, near Valley Forge, to a small audience at Montgomery County Community College.
“He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power,” fumbled the president, citing the Capitol protest as proof.
“Over 140 police officers were injured. Jill and I attended the funeral of police officers who died as a result of the events that day,” he said. “And because Donald — because of Donald Trump’s lies, they died because these lies brought a mob to Washington.”
But no police officers died that day. United States Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick passed away the day after, but the D.C. medical examiner determined that Sicknick died of natural causes — two strokes, in fact. He sustained no injuries on January 6, and his death was unrelated to the Capitol protest.
What speech writer could have made such a gross error?
“The president was closely involved in writing the speech, aides told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce, after he met this week with historians and scholars at the White House.”
Hmmm. Perhaps the White House internet was down the day they composed that speech.
Here’s another whopper: “Outside, gallows were erected as the MAGA crowd chanted, ‘Hang Mike Pence.'”
While that is a true statement, there is much more to the story. What Biden left out is that “little is known about the gallows, erected in front of the Capitol…”, as per a New York Times Facebook post. The FBI has possession of the gallows and noose hanging from them, but no one has ever been charged in connection with either. The large construction was erected immediately across the street from the west front of the U.S. Capitol, yet no one knows who put it up. No camera caught it, no witnesses saw anything. Right.
Apparently Biden’s speech-writing team (not to mention the FBI) doesn’t have inside information available to U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), who appeared on Saturday’s edition of The Tucker Carlson Encounter. Higgins told Carlson that there were “well over 200” FBI assets dressed as Trump supporters, present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The conservative lawmaker, a former law enforcement officer and military veteran, said that these agents played a strategic role in how events unfolded that day.
Carlson went straight to the point, asking, “That is proof of entrapment, because of course, the federal government could have prevented entry into the Capitol Building…. But they allowed people in on purpose to entrap them. That’s what that proves, I think. Does it not?”
“Well, it’s certainly condemning,” came Higgins’ reply. “It’s another piece of the strategy that the government employed to sort of complete the entrapment of Americans that they had infiltrated and then prodded and provoked.”
Could the gallows have been part of that strategy? The situation is uncontestably suspicious, and Biden’s mention of it along with all the fictitious dead policemen does nothing to inspire confidence in his interpretation.
Biden went on to accuse Trump of doing nothing to stop the “mob … as America was attacked from within.” He called it “among the worst derelictions of duty by a president in American history.”
Oh really, Mr. President? How do you spell Afghanistan, the Keystone XL Pipeline, vaccine mandates, soaring inflation, Hunter’s business dealings in China? What does the U.S. southern border mean to you?
But Biden’s inanities did not stop there. “A record 81 million people voted for my candidacy and to end his presidency,” he claimed. “Trump lost 60 court cases — 60. Trump lost the Republican-controlled states. Trump lost before a Trump-appointed judge — and then judges.”
No, this was not his attempt to win the world record of most errors fit into a single paragraph. To be fair, these are commonly repeated propaganda points. In answer, The New American has consistently reported on the issue of election integrity (see examples here, here, and here).
As for Trump’s court cases, the website Election-Integrity.info provides detailed data about each case involving Trump and/or the Republican Party — a grand total of 92. More than two-thirds (roughly the number Biden cited) were never heard, but instead dismissed or denied. “Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 23 out of 31 cases that were decided on merits,” the summary states. In other words, they won nearly three-quarters of the cases that were tried.
Biden droned on in hackneyed “orange man bad” fashion for about half an hour. The motive? It could be the fact that “Donald Trump was leading Joe Biden in three of the last four national polls,” according to Newsweek. Or maybe it’s just force of habit.
Meanwhile, at his own campaign event in Iowa, Trump called Biden’s speech a “pathetic” example of “fearmongering.”