John Deere Alters Policies After Starbuck X Campaign
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It appears that Robby Starbuck has another corporate scalp to hang on his saddle.

John Deere will, it says, abandon its nutty “pride” propaganda campaign — meaning its forcing homosexual and “transgender” insanity on employees and their innocent children.

Deere surrendered in a letter posted to its X feed.

Men in Women’s Restroom

As The New American reported last week, the trouble began for the highly regarded farm-equipment company when Starbuck revealed that it was helping brainwash confused kids into thinking they were “transgender.”

As well, it funded a “pride event for kids as young as 3” and organized “Genderbread man” training. The company asked “employees to list their preferred pronouns on all communications,” and promoted a program by anti-white leftist and DEI scammer Ibram X. Kendi. The homosexual Human Rights Campaign gave it 95 out of 100 points for promoting homosexual and “transgender” policies and propaganda.

Equally if not more disturbing was that the company expected female employees to risk being raped in the restroom. Starbuck posted a corporate video that told female employees they had better not complain if they catch a “transgender woman” — a man who pretends to be or falsely believes he is a woman — in the women’s restroom. 

In the video, the multiculturally monikered Rashmi says a put-upon “transgender woman” called Cathi is having trouble being accepted. Poor Cathi is upset because he wants to use the women’s restroom.

“She’s settling in well,” Rashmi says. “But this morning, I heard a couple of my colleagues gossiping about her. They were saying that Cathi used to be a man and they are now reluctant to use the same bathroom. I don’t know if I should say something.”

Well, of course Rashmi must report the behavior, company documents say. But the report won’t be about a weirdo who wants to use the restroom with women. Said company literature:

Whether or not these rumors are true, Rashmi should report this right away to the appropriate department or a manager. Revealing someone’s gender identity without their consent, and before they are ready to reveal it, is called “outing someone,” which is a violation of someone’s privacy. It’s also important to remember that if Cathi is trans, saying she “used to be a man” is not accurate. Trans women are women, and they’ve never not been a woman.

Deere Folds?

Like Tractor Supply before it when Starbuck exposed its nutty policies, Deere panicked. Yesterday, it posted a note on X that said it would abandon “pride” parades and the like.

“We will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events,” the company vowed:

• Business resource groups will exclusively be focused on professional development, networking, mentoring, and supporting talent recruitment efforts.

• [John Deere will audit] all company-mandated training materials and policies to ensure the absence of socially motivated messages, while being in compliance with federal state and local laws.

• Reaffirming within the business that the existence of diversity quotas and pronoun identification have never been and are not company policy.

Unhappily, the company recommitted itself to “diversity in our organization.”

Replied Starbuck on X, “I don’t think this is enough for customers to go back. Customers want to hear that DEI policies are entirely gone and that they will no longer participate in social credit CEI scoring by HRC.”

Starbuck called the message a “half-measure.”

In another post today, Starbuck struck again, and said customers must keep the heat on the company.

“Despite @JohnDeere ’s half measure statement,” a DEI page was still posted at the site. The page urges readers to take lessons from DEI scam artist Kendi.

“If Deere is serious about changes they will publicly leave the social credit CEI scoring system, eliminate all references to DEI internally and externally, fire the DEI team who pushed this, no longer allow men in women’s bathrooms and ban all political, sexual or social flags in the workplace,” Starbuck continued. “Work should be a neutral place without politics or culture wars.”

Normal Americans Pressure Companies

John Deere is the fourth company to feel consumers’ wrath over promoting anti-white, pro-homosexual policies and propaganda.

Just last month, Starbuck stopped similar lunacy at Tractor Supply, another company that caters mostly to farmers and rural Americans, with a similar X campaign.

In early June, he began posting Tractor Supply’s pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” propaganda. The stock dropped some $2.5 billion, and the company quit catering to the Lavender Lobby.

It was the third victory against leftist in corporate America. 

When Bud Light hired “trans woman” Dylan Mulvaney to promote its product, customers rebelled and quit buying what was once the nation’s leading beer brand. Anheuser-Busch lost $395 million in sales. As of April, it had not recovered the top spot.

When outrage on social media exploded, Doritos Spain fired the “trans woman” pedophile it hired as a spokesman.