State Dept. Official Confirms Goal of Biden “Migrant” Invasion: Demographic Replacement
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A State Department official has confirmed that President Joe Biden’s “migrant” invasion is replacement migration meant to overwhelm the country demographically.

A reporter from Project Veritas (PV) secretly recorded interviews with officials, one of whom confirmed that what conservatives call “The Great Replacement” is all too real. And Biden is knowingly importing criminals, the officials said.

The ultimate goal, of course, is turning the “migrants” into Democratic voters to cement one-party rule forever.

The Video

“Daniel Fitzgerald, a State Department Official responsible for allocating U.S. foreign aid across the Western Hemisphere told a Veritas investigative journalist that the U.S. State Department will be forced to answer to Congress for its failure to slow migration from Central America,” the website reported.

Fitzgerald disclosed that the administration’s daffy and failed “Root Causes Strategy,” which pumps taxpayer money into Central America to ameliorate the problems that supposedly cause illegal immigration, has failed.

That’s because Biden’s policy of open borders has invited “migrants” from across the planet, not just the nations targeted by the strategy. Some 56,000 Chinese have landed at U.S. borders so far in fiscal 2024; more than 31,000 were caught trying to cross the southwest border illegally.

“Migrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela. So, we’re like, this [the Root Causes Strategy] doesn’t solve that problem,” Fitzgerald said.

If every cloud has a silver lining, then Biden’s “migrant” replacement strategy could cost him the election in November. “It looks bad for any administration because no one solves migration. … It’s like the end all, be all, kill pill for politics,” Fitzgerald said.

A consular official confirmed that Biden is importing criminals, including the Venezuelan thugs suspected in the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray on Monday. Both had been caught and released at the border. Another Venezuelan “migrant,” also caught and released at the border, is suspected in the murder of nursing student Laken Riley.

“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily,” the official said.

“The official went on to explain that Mexico is sending ‘the worst of the worst’ into the U.S,” PV reported. “He described a scenario where illegal immigrants send billions in U.S. wages back to Mexico, stating Mexico enjoys the influx of cash and has no incentive to intervene.”

When Donald Trump said that Mexico isn’t sending its best, he was roundly denounced as a “racist.”

But then the official admitted what everyone knows: Biden’s goal is altering the demographics of the United States.

“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists,” the official said:

Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States].

Conspiracy Theory

The Great Replacement — the theory that Ruling Class elites across the West are importing Third World “migrants” to wage demographic war and overwhelm native populations — is routinely denounced as a “white supremacist conspiracy theory” by the same people who advocate it.

“Those who suggest that it may be true and notice it happening, or who note that Democrats may be using illegal immigration to secure votes, are routinely deplatformed and demonized,” Project Veritas observed:

This has happened to people as prominent and as diverse as billionaire Elon Musk, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, or journalist Tucker Carlson — who are routinely flogged by media and labeled as ‘conspiracy theorists’ for noticing that this theory might be true.

Indeed, Ramaswamy not only mentioned replacement during the GOP presidential primary debate on December 6, but also X posted about it twice. “The Great Replacement Theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic party’s platform,” he said at the debate.

“The ‘conspiracization’ of ‘The Great Replacement Theory’ is the standard left-wing playbook,” he wrote the next day: 

Transparently advance a toxic policy, then label it a conspiracy theory when the other side contests the merits of it. We need a real debate on whether intentionally facilitating mass illegal migration to change this country is good for America or not — because that’s exactly what’s happening. I think it’s bad, but if the left believes this is a good thing, they should make the case for it.

Border Numbers

A means of testing the merits of the “conspiracy theory” is looking at the result of Biden’s border policies.

Since February 2021, Biden’s first full month in office, border agents have encountered just shy of 8 million illegals at the southwest border. Border agents caught 7.2 million trying to enter the country illegally by jumping the border, millions of whom Biden has released into the country. 

And those numbers don’t include the millions of gotaways, the illegals who slipped past agents to disappear.

Biden’s long-term goal, of course, isn’t just altering demographics. The goal is importing more Democratic voters, given that immigrants overwhelmingly vote for Democrats — “family values” and entrepreneurial instincts aside.

Even those “migrants” who don’t vote, at least not right away, will alter the nation politically.

The millions whom Biden has released in contravention of immigration law will, barring legislation that the Democrat-controlled Senate will never pass and Biden will never sign, affect the apportionment of congressional seats. That apportionment will favor Democrats. 

As well, most of the “migrants” are here to stay unless Donald Trump is elected in November and carries out his mass deportation plan. Democrats will never cease pushing for them to become citizens and voters.

Aside from that prospect, the “migrants” are major national security threat. Early this year, 10 former FBI officials wrote to top congressional leaders to say “the country has been invaded.”

“These men are potential operators in what appears to be an accelerated and strategic penetration, a soft invasion, designed to gain internal access to a country that cannot be invaded militarily in order to inflict catastrophic damage if and when enemies deem it necessary,” the officials warned.

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