House Presser: WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Would Crush U.S. Sovereignty  
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Chris Smith

On Monday, Representative Chris Smith (R-N.J.) hosted a press conference dedicated to the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) proposed and currently negotiated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The documents were dubbed “the greatest single threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic.”

The main concerns voiced by the lawmakers and experts in attendance of the event included the following:

  • The proposed agreement would effectively end United States sovereignty by transferring it to the WHO. Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy pointed out that the federal government has no constitutional responsibility over public health to begin with. Delegating it over to the China-controlled international organization serves the explicitly stated agenda of global governance.
  • The WHO would receive unilateral power to declare “public health emergencies of international concern” that would trigger the WHO’s “power grab” over the member states’ responses to them. Such “emergencies” would encompass not only infectious outbreaks in both humans and animals but also include environmental, social, and economic phenomena such as “climate change” and even gun violence.
  • Physicians would be barred from determining appropriate treatments if they were not endorsed by the WHO.
  • Sweeping surveillance over citizens could be enacted via vaccine passports or other forms of digital IDs with the potential to tie an individual’s vaccination status to his or her bank account, shopping, traveling, paying taxes, voting, etc.
  • Any questioning or criticism of the WHO’s policies or statements potentially causing “mistrust in health authorities” would be considered misinformation and subject to censorship; the WHO might consider such public deviations from its policies qan “infodemic” to be “combated.”
  • There is no mechanism for holding the WHO accountable. 
  • Provisions of favorable, “special treatment” for “developing countries” that include China, despite it being the world’s second-largest economy, to include the sharing of technology and intellectual property.
  • Disastrous mishandling of the Covid pandemic and proven ineffectiveness during previous disease outbreaks such as Ebola
  • WHO’s ties to Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and other special interests.
  • Inclusion of abortions on the list of the “essential healthcare services” with no term limits on the procedure.
  • A long history of scandals, poor governance practices, and excessive bureaucracy.

 The package of the legally binding documents is scheduled to be voted on on May 27.