Masters Again: CRT Is “Anti-white Racism”
Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Blake Masters
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters went there again. Critical Race Theory, he said for at least the third time, is anti-white racism.

Masters delivered the blunt assessment at a meeting of the Sun City Republican Club on Saturday, and he was just as adamant about the anti-white hate as he was before.

It’s “toxic” he said, and it has to be stopped.

Medical Rationing Based on Race

Calling CRT “racist” isn’t enough, Master told his GOP listeners. As well, he said his handlers advised ducking the question when he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program in November.

But “I can navigate issues like this,” he said:

I think it is important to have people who are going to be bold and take the arrows and talk about some difficult subjects in our country.

So I said critical race theory is anti-white racism. I went on to explain that it is bad for white kids, obviously. But it is bad for black kids and Latino kids, it is bad for every kid to hear that toxic crap.

Masters blamed anti-white China Virus treatment policy on CRT, too. As The New American reported last week, legal blogger William Jacobsen sued New York because it is using race to prioritize scarce treatments. 

Whites, the state says, need not apply.

Because of CRT and the anti-white hate it creates, “you see what you’re seeing today,” Masters said. “Medical rationing based on race”:

If you’re a white person, it doesn’t matter if you are more sick, you’re not going to get this therapeutic because we have a limited supply and it should go to a person of color who is historic[ally disadvantaged]. If you do that too much, even if you let that take root at all, pretty soon you don’t have a real country anymore.

On Carlson’s program, Masters was equally blunt.

Noting that the radical Left was “up in arms” over the observation, he said “a Republican politician or candidate is allowed to say ‘Critical Race Theory is bad.’ And I think some of the braver ones are even allowed to say, ‘it’s racist.’”

But one can’t proceed from there:

If you actually go and unpack that a little bit more, and say, “this is straight-up anti-white racism,” I mean the hit pieces just float in. They can’t handle that, even though it’s what everybody knows to be true.

In August he said the same thing. “All it does is teach kids to identify in racial terms,” he said at a conservative rally in Phoenix: 

Right? You are good or bad, depending on what you look like. At this point it is straight up anti-white racism. I don’t think we’re allowed to say that. But let’s call it what it is. It is toxic, and it does not belong in our schools.

We’ve got to take back the schools and stop the indoctrination.

And, of course, he told Newsweek what he later told Carlson: “Yeah, everyone knows this is true — you’re just not supposed to say it.”.

What CRT Says About Whites

The City Journal’s Christopher Rufo has shown that Masters is exactly right.

Rufo has exposed how corporate bureaucrats at major Fortune 500 companies are using CRT to harass and harangue white employees.

AT&T’s CRT material told white employees that if they want to know “who’s responsible for racism, look in the mirror.”

“White people, you are the problem,” AT&T told white employees. “Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries.”

Walmart has a similar anti-white program, while whites who toil for CVS learned that they live in a “society completely soaked in racist ideas.” Raytheon tells whites what they are allowed — and not allowed — to say to black employees.

H/T: Real Clear Politics