In a video recently published by Libs of TikTok, an Amazon employee breaks down and cries during a video meeting about a children’s book that compares transgenderism to a little boy pretending to be an animal. The meeting was about strategies for dealing with the book, which is available at Amazon.
When conservative pundit Matt Walsh published Johnny the Walrus, the Left — especially the LGBTQ crowd — suffered from near apoplexy. The book — which became available for pre-order at Amazon in December before its actual release in March — is about a boy who pretends he is a walrus and finds himself faced with the choice to undergo medical treatment to become a walrus.
The obvious point is a comparison between children pretending something that is impossible (being an animal) and an agenda to force the impossible (boys being girls and vice versa). The book hit its mark, but not before Amazon accidentally categorized it as an LGBTQ book. It appears that some overworked Amazon employee simply skimmed the contents and decided this was yet another children’s book about being “trans.”
Within days, the book was the number one bestselling book in the LGBTQ books category. Walsh was thrilled. He “self-identified” as “the world’s bestselling LGBT children’s author” and said that any future criticism of him or his work would be seen as ant-LGBTQ bigotry. But then Amazon caught its mistake and changed the book’s category. Walsh — as his fans (known as the Sweet Baby Gang) know — never misses an opportunity to milk something like that for all it is worth. Pushing leftists to the breaking point, Walsh decried the recategorization as “an unconscionable attack on gay rights and a horrific example of homophobia and gay erasure.”
As all of this was going on, an undated meeting of Amazon employees took place. The video of that meeting is now online, thanks to Libs of TikTok. And it shows the depths of depravity, the rank dishonesty, and the emotional fragility of the “brave” folks who proudly wave the LGBTQ banner.
In two tweets, Libs of TikTok showed video of the meeting, which is described as a “therapy session” for employees dealing with the “trauma” of Johnny the Walrus. The first video begins with discussion of a message from a customer who is nearly hysterical over Amazon selling the book. The customer asserts that the book “is teaching kids to kill, well to bully transgenders” into “committing suicide” — a bogus claim that is never refuted in the conversation between Amazon employees.
The customer describes the book, saying:
The story is about a kid who likes to pretend he’s different things and one day he pretends he’s a walrus — and the community tells him he either has to be a human or he has to be a walrus or they’re going to kill him. He can’t be both — he can’t pretend anymore.
This writer has read Johnny the Walrus. That customer clearly has not. Because she is just plain wrong (or she is lying) about almost everything. Johnny pretends to be a walrus and his mother reads on the internet that he must really be a walrus. (To see how this works, insert girl for walrus.) So, mom begins therapy and medical procedures to make Johnny a real walrus.
In the end, Johnny and his mom discover that he is — in fact — not a walrus, but a little boy who sometimes likes to pretend he is a walrus. They dismiss the crazy people on the internet and that is that.
The customer goes on to misquote a tweet from Walsh back in December, saying “Now the author Matt Walsh just tweeted this yesterday morning at 8:04 a.m.,” giving a hint that this Amazon video is from late last year. She claims that Walsh said, “I now have the number one anti-LGBT book in the country. Any further criticism of me or my book is homophobic.”
She emphasized “anti” by slowing down her cadence and raising her voice. The problem? Her emphasis was not only wrong, it was entirely fictional. Walsh’s actual tweet said “LGBT,” not “anti-LGBT.”
The woman on the recorded message shouts, “You are selling a manual of how to teach kids to bully other kids to commit suicide,” adding the lie that Walsh bragged that he was proud his book would cause “transgenders” to commit suicide. Again, none of the Amazon employees corrects her lies during their conversation among themselves. Instead, they all commiserate with each other about how angering and hurtful Walsh and his book are. And right in the middle of it all, the employee who appears to be hosting the meeting breaks down and cries. He tells the other employees, “If you’re transgender, if you’re gender non-binary — and this is super triggering, I would understand if you needed to leave. This is education for people who don’t get it, who don’t understand.”
He warns the others to “brace” themselves because they are going to see a 30-second clip of Walsh reading the book.
Walsh responded to the video in an interview with Fox’s Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, saying — with his tongue deeply embedded in his cheek — “I think their behavior to me is marginalizing me and invalidating my lived experience as children’s author.”
Walsh then goes on in a more serious tone, saying, “The book is about true self-acceptance,” adding, “A message of self-acceptance, when I was a kid that was the most common message in books that we read. It is just now on the left, with a force on kids is actually rejecting who you really are in favor of a delusion.”
As Walsh explains, the book is “about a boy who identifies as a walrus and his mother goes along with it. But they both learn at the end that you should accept yourself for who you truly are, who you biologically are.”
And — all of their hysterics and lies aside — that logical, reasonable message is likely what drove that customer and Amazon’s woke employees to tears of anger.

And to put in the for-what-it’s-worth column, as of this writing, Johnny the Walrus is the number one selling book on Amazon — not in the LGBTQ category; in all categories. That must hurt.