Following calls last week for pro-abortion leftist foot soldiers to intimidate conservative Supreme Court justices and disrupt masses at Catholic churches on Mother’s Day, the weekend saw an escalation in illegal pro-abortion activities. Using terrorist tactics — including intimidation, threats, vandalism, and arson — criminal leftist organizations seem to have pulled out all stops as the high court appears poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.
As this writer reported late last week, the progressive activist group Ruth Sent Us doxxed the six “conservative” Supreme Court justices, publishing their addresses and staging protests at their homes. The group also called for storming Catholic churches and spreading fear by disrupting masses on Mother’s Day.
Given that the Left’s baseless claims — repeated ad nauseam in the liberal mainstream press — that a repeal of Roe is tantamount to the outright slavery of women, it was never a stretch to imagine that true-blue leftists who believe that hollow rhetoric would turn to violence. After all, if one actually believes the left-wing conspiracy theory that Christian conservatives are seeking to enslave women, one almost could not go too far in stopping them — especially if one had no moral or religious code restraining one’s behavior.
Enter — from stage left — the pro-abortion movement’s criminal foot soldiers who are faithfully executing their marching orders without anything resembling moral constraint.
Over the weekend, roughly 100 “protesters” descended on the homes of Supreme Court justices in a naked attempt to intimidate them by threats and fear. As Breitbart reported:
Protesters have taken drastic measures, like blocking church entrances and now showing up on the doorsteps of Supreme Court Justices’ homes.
Protesters marched in front of Chief Justice John Roberts’ home and reportedly chanted, “Keep abortion safe and legal.” Other chants included, “Pro-life is a lie, you don’t care if people die.”
Protesters also drew images of hangers in chalk on the street in front of Roberts’ home.
Somehow the same people who have spent the better part of 17 months claiming that trespassing is “insurrection” now claim that trespassing — along with blocking streets, disorderly conduct, and disturbing the peace — is a form of “peaceful protest.” Of course, they always claim that whatever they do is “peaceful protest” even when — as in the Summer of 2020 — it leaves a string of burned-out buildings, police cars, and city buses, as well as dozens of dead bodies and billions of dollars in damage across more than 200 American cities.
They claim they are peaceful, but they lie; threats and intimidation are not peaceful.
Bragging that “the whole world is watching,” these miscreants proudly and nakedly attempt to terrorize conservative Supreme Court justices to cow in fear and change their vote ahead of June’s decision.
At Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home — and obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance caused by the inconsistency of their own mindless mantras — the crowd who (in different circumstances) claim that men who claim to be women are, in fact women, chanted, “No uterus, no opinion.”
You can’t make this stuff up.
But while their mental faculties may demonstrate decline, their immoral use of terrorist tactics, such as fear and intimidation, appear to be gaining steam. Another round of “protests” are scheduled for Justice Alito’s home for Monday.
And while some may offer lame excuses for employing fear and intimidation by claiming that these “marchers” are merely “peacefully protesting,” it is important to note that while one flank is working the intimidation angle at the homes of conservative justices, another flank is targeting churches. And their tactics are slightly more — shall we say — aggressive.
Late last week, Ruth Sent Us sent out a call to arms, instructing pro-abortion foot soldiers to focus on what they see as the real enemy: the Catholic Church.
Dressed as characters from A Handmaid’s Tale, Ruth Sent Us activists showed how to disrupt services at Catholic Churches. In one video, taken prior to Mother’s Day, they are seen disrupting a Catholic mass and stating, “For 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has been an institution for the enslavement of women.”
Here again is the claim that any woman who cannot murder her unborn child is a slave.
But beyond that, here is an example of orchestrated criminal activity. By organizing criminal trespass (which, remember, is insurrection), Ruth Sent Us is a criminal organization. And since the goal of these “protests” is to force political change, then — by the FBI’s definition — Ruth Sent Us is a terrorist organization.
Planned Mother’s Day “protests” were indeed carried out. And while — almost certainly due to the diligence of Catholic parishioners across the country who made known their diligence — there were fewer episodes of “walk-ins” than Ruth Sent Us would have liked to have seen, such disruptions did happen. As CNA reported:
In Los Angeles, the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels was disrupted just before Communion by female protesters dressed in “huge hats” and “red, hooded gowns,” parishioner Bradford Adkins, 35, of Los Angeles, told CNA. Adkins said the women were shouting and unfurled a large green banner but were escorted away, allowing the Mass to resume.
And National Catholic Register reported:
On Saturday, pro-abortion activists blocked the entrance of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Lower Manhattan in New York City. For safety reasons, police at the scene halted plans for a pro-life procession to a nearby Planned Parenthood abortion facility, as happens on the first Saturday of the month.
At that orchestrated event, “protesters” who criminally blocked access to a church chanted, “Thank God for abortion.” And Kathryn Jean Lopez, a columnist for National Review who reported live from the “protest,” told of a woman who perhaps personifies the pro-abortion movement. Wearing a bathing suit with dolls dangling to represent her abortions, the woman danced and chanted, “God killed his kid, why can’t I kill mine?”
That hatred of God and Christ — so prevalent among the Left in general and the pro-abortion movement in particular — is not a side dish; it is the main course.
And since such people have no moral constraints, violence is inevitable.
As The New American reported, that violence came over the weekend:
Pro-abortion activism is getting increasingly violent across the United States. On Sunday, the headquarters of a non-profit pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin, were attacked by a leftist anarchist group.
According to a Madison.com report, vandals set fire to the Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) office early Sunday. Two staff returned to the office to find the office heavily damaged. There was shattered glass from a broken window covering a corner office, with books and furniture tossed over and thrown around. Graffiti written on the wall said, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.” Other graffiti apparently depicted a logo of Anarchy 1312, the organization allegedly responsible for the attack.
The pro-life center in Madison was not alone. Other acts of violence against pro-life organizations were reported in other parts of the country. From CNA:
In Denton, Texas, a pro-life pregnancy center called Loreto House was defaced with graffiti that read, “Not a clinic,” and “Forced pregnancy is murder.” In a tweet, Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth said, “Please pray for the person who perpetrated this, for their interior healing and moral conversion.”
These events come on the heels of increasing vandalism against churches — mostly Catholic — in past weeks. But with leftist groups openly advocating criminal actions in the wake of the SCOTUS leak showing that the Court likely intends to strike down Roe, more is expected.
With attempts to sway the Court through fear and intimidation as well as interfering with the ability of Americans to exercise a right protected by the Constitution — accompanied by actual criminal acts of vandalism and arson — can we call pro-abortion groups such as Ruth Sent Us and ShutDownDC terrorist organizations now?