Gary Benoit

Gary Benoit is the Editor in Chief of The New American. Gary graduated magna cum laude in physics from the University of Lowell (now the University of Massachusetts-Lowell) in 1976. The following year, he joined the staff of The John Birch Society, The New American‘s parent organization. He first became editor of TNA in 1986.

Steve Bonta

Steven Bonta is Publisher of The New American magazine, having written hundreds of articles as a frequent contributor since 1998. He is also the author of Inside the United Nations and The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic. He holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and speaks a number of languages, including Spanish, French, and Mandarin. He has lived overseas extensively, including India, Sri Lanka, Argentina, and China, and has also taught English, Spanish, and language studies for many years at both the high-school and university level.

Katie Bradley

Katie Bradley is the senior graphic designer for The New American. She creates the visual style and design, and is responsible for the production of the print magazine as well as Collector’s Editions. She also assists with various print and digital materials.

Paul Dragu

Paul Dragu is a senior editor at The New American, award-winning reporter, host of The New American Daily, and writer of Defector: A True Story, of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.

Julie DuFrane

Julie DuFrane is the advertising and circulation manager for The New American. She has been employed at The New American headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin, since it opened in 1989. Julie owns, with her husband, a restaurant in Menasha called the WeatherVane.

William F. Jasper

William F. Jasper is a senior editor for The New American. He is an investigative reporter, commentator, and documentary producer. For more than three decades he served as an accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York and at UN summits around the world. He is the author of two books on the UN: Global Tyranny… Step by Step (1992) and The United Nations Exposed (2001). He has written extensively on a broad array of topics, from geopolitics, education, the culture war, and LGBTQ issues to immigration, terrorism, globalism, China, Russia, property rights, and the U.S. Constitution. He has appeared on numerous television and radio programs in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Australia.

William Keizer

William Keizer is a producer and editor for The New American’s media department.

Joseph W. Kelly

Joe Kelly is the creative director for The New American. A graduate from The Art Institute of Dallas, he is responsible for the visual style and approach of the magazine’s print and online venues. Joe oversees the creation and production of online, print, and video content.

John T. Larabell

John T. Larabell is the managing editor of The New American. He does editorial work for The New American’s print magazine and website and occasionally writes articles.

Lindsey McConnell

Lindsey McConnell is lead graphic designer for The New American. She assists with articles, creates online and print ads, billboards and helps with the visual creation of TNA shows.

Alex Newman

A senior editor of The New American, Alex Newman is also a regular contributor, earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida in December 2007. Alex had been working for The New American as a freelance journalist and also owns a consulting firm. His frequent topics include economics, education, finance, banking, business and politics. Alex grew up in Latin America, Europe, and Africa, giving him a unique insight into world events.

Olivia Re

Olivia Re is a motion graphics designer and visual effects artist for The New American. A graduate from Virginia Tech, she primarily works with animation, assisting with title sequence designs, advertisements, and editing.

Kevin Summers

Kevin Summers has done it all. He’s produced a game show, created sales videos, and used high speed video to troubleshoot production equipment. He also taught video production classes at a university and now he’s a Producer/Editor at The New American.

Rebecca Terrell

Rebecca Terrell is a senior editor and regular contributor for The New American.

Jacob Vang

Jacob Vang is a graphic designer for The New American. He graduated from UW Oshkosh. He assists with articles, and designs and creates many of the new books and ads for both print and online.

Joe Wolverton II, J.D.

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. is The John Birch Society’s constitutional law scholar and head of a dedicated think tank focused on promoting and preserving the Constitution of the United States through defending and upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution, as well as restoring the knowledge of the authors whose works influenced the thinking and writing of the Founding Fathers.

Joe is the author of three books: The Real James Madison, “What Degree of Madness?”: Madisons Method to Make America STATES Again, and The Founders’ Recipe, an introduction to the writings of the 37 authors most often quoted by the Founding generation. He also hosts the popular YouTube channel “Teacher of Liberty” and the TikTok channel “Joe Wolverton JD.”