DVD Review
DVD Review: “Blue” Blows the Horn on Environmental Movement

DVD Review: “Blue” Blows the Horn on Environmental Movement

The documentary Blue investigates the motives and methodology of the environmental movement and finds it to be less about the good of the Earth and more about control of it. ...
Jack Kenny
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It’s a question that could be the title of a detective novel: Who killed the spotted owl? In the storehouse of commonly shared opinion known as conventional wisdom, it’s no mystery at all. “Everybody knows” it was the greedy, rapacious logging industry, from its lumberjacks to its corporate profiteers who denuded the great forests of the American Northwest and destroyed the habitat of the stately northern spotted owl that perched in the trees of our once great forests and graced the cover of Time magazine.

Anyone who spends an hour watching Jeffrey King’s documentary is apt to get a different picture of the woods, the general environment, and the environmentalist’s iconic owl. In fact, the entire environmental movement gets a thorough re-examination from King, with the help of the many people he interviewed on camera, from a geologist and an aero-physicist to a forester to people who have seen their communities devastated through jobs lost, property rights violated, and economic development thwarted by environmental mandates and regulations. The logging industry in the Northwest is but one example of jobs and commerce destroyed through an effort to save a species that was wrongheaded from the start.

Dams are another target of the environmentalists, despite their usefulness in hydroelectric production and in maintaining a supply of water that is especially crucial in the West, where droughts are a common occurrence. But dams kill fish and destroy their habitations, environmentalists protest, despite the construction of fish ladders and bypasses that allow the fish to swim over or around the dams.

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