Report: 200K+ Illegals Slip by Border Agents Since October. Total Running Free Since Then: 500K+
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President Biden’s plan to overwhelm the country with illegal aliens, whom he anticipates will be Democrat voters, is working.

But aside from those we do know about — nearly 300,000 released into the heartland since October 1 — another more than 200,000 slipped by border agents, Bill Melugin of Fox News has reported.

One reason: Biden and his Homeland Security chief, Cuban visa fraudster Alejandro Mayorkas, agents say, have turned the Border Patrol into a concierge service for illegals. That job prevents them from watching the border.

As well, Biden and Mayorkas brag about not enforcing immigration law and deporting illegals.

Total illegals on the loose in America just since the beginning of fiscal 2022: almost 500,000.

Sources Talk

A source at U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Melugin that there were “220,000 known ‘gotaways,’ meaning those who get past Border Patrol when coming across the border.”

That number is not included, of course, in the almost 700,000 that border agents have caught or encountered at ports of entry.

Continued Melugin:

Known gotaways are those who have been spotted on cameras and sensors etc., but Border Patrol does not have the manpower to get to. It is harder for officials to estimate the number of “gotaways” who have avoided detection altogether — meaning the number of actual gotaways is likely much higher.

Border agents blame Biden and Mayorkas, and gave the latter an earful a few weeks ago when he meant to meet with them.

They told Mayorkas they can’t defend the border if they have to handle and process illegal-alien families, only to release them into the country.

And as far as the number of releases goes, as The New American has reported, it too is nearly inconceivable.

CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement have released 263,657 illegals so far this fiscal year — that’s about 39.2 percent of the 672,301 caught jumping the border or stopped at ports of entry. If that pace continues, more than 1.8 million will cross by September 30, the fiscal year’s end. 

In fiscal 2021, the figure was more than 1.7 million, a 278.7-percent increase over 2020’s 458,088 and the highest number ever.

But the sum of adding this fiscal year’s gotaways plus purposeful releases might be more startling: 463,657. And it paints a startling picture of what Biden and Mayorkas are doing to the country. They also demonstrate why agents say they’re a Welcome Wagon for illegals.

Border agents are actually forced to work with cartels and coyotes — human smugglers — to move illegals to “consolidation centers” where they are then released, the New York Post’s Angie Wong has revealed.

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No Deportations

A good explanation for the border invasions is Mayorkas’ repeatedly announcing that he will not strictly enforce immigration law by deporting illegals.

Mayorkas delivered the most recent statement on that note in January to the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

“We will not dedicate our limited enforcement resources to apprehend individuals who have been here in this country for many years, who have been contributing members of our communities,” he told the municipal worthies:

Unlawful presence in the United States will alone not be a basis for an immigration enforcement action but rather, we will allocate our efforts, we will allocate our resources on those individuals who present a current public safety threat, a threat to national security, or a threat to our border security, and that is a very important principle.

Refusing to enforce the law — a crime itself — explains why Biden and Mayorkas are dumping illegals into the heartland with secret night flights. Those aircraft land and disgorge illegals into unsuspecting communities.

A cop in Westchester County caught government contractors in August. Video was released just last month.

The cop asked a contractor why the flights were secret.

“You know why,” the contractor replied. “Because if this gets out, the government is betraying the American people.”

Almost 300,000 illegals released to disappear into the heartland sure sounds like betrayal.

The other word for it is treason.

H/T: Legal Insurrection