Putin: Key Player in the “New World Order”
A longer version of the following article by Alex Newman was published here more than seven years ago, on October 6, 2014. In it, Newman pointed out that even though Vladimir Putin had already been conveniently designated by the globalists as the villain du jour, he was continuing to promote the globalists’ New World Order, in which “global governance” (i.e., world government) would be brought about through an increasingly empowered United Nations, along with strengthened regional structures such as NATO, the European Union, APEC, and other regional entities. Despite appearances to the contrary, the chaos and destruction unleashed by Putin in Ukraine continues to push the world toward that glob-alist World Order. — The Editors
Shortly before getting on the plane, 10-year-old Miguel Calehr, as countless children do before flying, asked his mother what would happen when it crashed. “Come on, don’t be silly, you’ve been traveling already so many times,” Miguel’s mom, Samira Calehr, remembers telling her nervous son. “Everything’s going to be OK.” The boy was still frightened despite his mother’s soothing words. But with his older brother, Shaka, 19, by his side, Miguel shuffled through the security checkpoint anyway.
“Mama, I love you,” Miguel said nervously before waving goodbye and boarding the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. It would be the last time Samira would hug her two boys. The two siblings, leaving their middle brother (who was also their best friend) behind because the Malaysia Airlines flight was fully booked, were on their way to visit grandma in Indonesia. They never made it. Instead, along with 296 others on Flight MH17, Miguel and Shaka were blown out of the sky over Ukrainian airspace on July 17.
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