History - Past and Perspective
Will Globalists Keep Their Promises?
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Will Globalists Keep Their Promises?

Globalists — both corporatists and politicos — keep saying that we need global governance to solve big problems. But how well have they kept past promises? ...
Kurt Williamsen
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Global warming, pandemics, and poverty, oh my! Citizens of the West are constantly prompted to fear something, to worry about the world’s fate, and to raise their voices in support of eliminating the world’s dangers. And, we’re told, socialism — especially global socialism — is the answer to bringing about utopia on Earth. 

But how do we know if what we are being told is true or not? Answer: We look to see if past globalist promises came to pass. Let us see.

As for what we should worry about and how to remedy things, an online UN News article from June 11, 2020 entitled “What does ‘build back better’ really mean? One of the world’s top CEOs give us his take” tells the claims of “Suphachai Chearavanont, … head of Thailand-based CP Group — one of the world’s largest conglomerates — and chairperson of UN Global Compact Thailand.” He says, “Despite the terrible toll of this [COVID] pandemic, the impact of climate change poses a much greater threat to the continued existence of mankind.” He added: “We’re aware that as a company, as an industry, and as consumers, we are consuming natural resources, and that we need to manage the waste that we produce, including food waste, plastic waste that ends up in the oceans, and our carbon footprint. We’re also aware of inequality, that opportunities for a good education, and a good job, are not distributed evenly.” His solution: the global socialist “build back better” campaign. (More on that later.)

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