The Last Word
Who Were the Vandals?
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Who Were the Vandals?

C. Mitchell Shaw
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On Wednesday, January 6 — as Congress met to certify the votes of the Electoral College — hundreds of thousands of Americans gathered in Washington, D.C., to protest “the steal.” In the end, the Capitol Building had been breached, five people were dead, many others were injured, scores had been arrested, Trump supporters were portrayed as “violent insurrectionists,” and President Trump — who would later be impeached (for the second time, again for trumped-up charges) — was accused of “incitement of insurrection.” When Trump blamed the violence on “Antifa people,” Democrats, their MSM accomplices, and spineless Republicans who prefer their elevated positions more than the best interests of the nation joined together to sing in a chorus dismissing Trump’s claims as “ridiculous” and “absurd.” But were they ridiculous and absurd, or was he correct in his claim that “Antifa people” were behind the violence of January 6?

In the weeks between the election and the certification, it had become undeniably apparent that the election had been rigged to assure a Biden win. Voting irregularities, flip-flopped ballots, missing ballots, deleted votes, and other hi-jinks resulted in an election victory for Biden that could not have resulted from an honest and accurate count. Millions of Americans were angered by this de facto disenfranchisement (after all, the franchise is not merely about the casting of ballots, but also about the accurate counting of those ballots). 

That justifiable anger led as many as a million Trump supporters to travel to D.C. to demand that their voices be heard. So far, so good; a “redress of grievances” is enthroned in the First Amendment as a sacred right of the people, against which “Congress shall make no law.” But what happened next is where things went sideways. Because what happened next is that “Antifa people” indeed stirred up the pro-Trump crowd, leading a very small percentage of them to join in on storming the Capitol Building, breaching its walls, and vandalizing offices and other parts of the building. 

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