Whistleblowers Shine Light on FBI Corruption
AP Images
Committed to the truth: Members of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government listen to whistleblower testimony on February 9, 2023.

Whistleblowers Shine Light on FBI Corruption

Despite ferocious persecution of themselves and their families at the hands of the FBI, courageous whistleblowers told their stories to Congress. ...
Steve Bonta
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Only days after the release of the long-awaited Durham Report, the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government held hearings featuring testimony from four FBI whistleblowers focusing on abuse of power in the January 6 investigation. The viewing public was treated to a spectacle of three courageous live witnesses (plus a fourth witness in a videotaped interview) subject to hostile, carping interrogation by Democratic lawmakers bent on scoring partisan points above all else. The hearing did nothing to allay public concerns that, after all, the FBI has been transformed into the Biden-era enforcement Stasi of radical Left orthodoxy and the enemy of ordinary decent Americans. It is only the new GOP majority in the House that has finally allowed the testimony of these whistleblowers to see the light of day.

The three live witnesses — Garret O’Boyle, Stephen Friend, and Marcus Allen — were all suspended without pay and had their security clearances revoked and their health benefits taken away simply for questioning the FBI’s aggressive tactics in investigating anyone and everyone in and around Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. O’Boyle, a former police officer from Waukesha, Wisconsin, who was also a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan before becoming an FBI special agent, was transferred across the country to a new assignment in Quantico — only to have his clearance suspended and all his belongings seized the day after he and his family arrived in Virginia. Because of an arcane FBI policy, he also is being forbidden from getting any new employment, leaving him and his family without income and without health insurance. Friend was similarly suspended without pay for making protected disclosures, and was also barred from seeking other employment. All three men have exemplary credentials and service histories, but because they dared to question the increasingly suffocating leftist January 6 orthodoxy at the FBI, they and their families have been made to pay a terrible price by their vindictive employer.

Nor did they receive any sympathy from bitter, apoplectic Democrats on the subcommittee, who expressed not a scintilla of compassion, preferring instead to assassinate their character and impugn their motives. The sorry spectacle began with the ever-bilious Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett of the U.S. Virgin Islands, the ranking member of the subcommittee, who unleashed a racist jeremiad characterizing the hearing as a “circus” indulging “conspiracy theories and speculations” — and Republicans as only interested in protecting the rights of white men; this, despite the embarrassingly inconvenient fact that one of the three whistleblowers, Allen, is black. 

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