The Last Word
What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

By now it should be more than clear that there is only one realistic solution to the crisis at hand: getting as many children out of the government’s indoctrination centers as quickly as possible. Rearranging the deck chairs on the public-school Titanic will only produce more misery and ultimately disaster. We must save as many as can be saved before the ship goes down and takes America and liberty into the abyss with it. 

When conservatives and Christians say that the government-school system is “broken,” they show a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem. In reality, the system is working perfectly. Indeed, it is doing exactly what its architects intended: turning America’s children against God, family, country, truth, and liberty. Trying to “fix” something that is functioning flawlessly is absurd. 

Would you try to fix or reform a cancer? Of course not. The government-school system is a cancer that will ultimately kill the patient if it is not dealt with. It was a mistake to let government educate children in the first place, and doubling down on a mistake is an even bigger mistake. Parents must be in charge of educating their children just as parents are in charge of feeding their children. 

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