What You Need to Know

Once in a while the global-warming crowd utters something that really sounds scary and compelling, but they’ve been wrong so often you’re not sure. You’re wise to be skeptical. ...
James Murphy
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, by Gregory Wrightstone, Silver Crown Productions LLC, 2017, 143 pages, paperback.

Ever feel overwhelmed by the climate-change rhetoric pedaled in the mainstream media? When people such as Professor James Hansen, formerly of NASA, and renowned climatologist Michael Mann talk in various stages of panic concerning anthropogenic global warming, there’s a tendency to throw up your hands in surrender, stop driving your automobile, and turn off your air conditioner just to do your part to halt the spread of that evil gas carbon dioxide. They speak in terms of CO2 parts per million, tipping points, and how it has never been hotter than right now in all of human history. They seem to use the language of science. And what they tell us is frightening.

But deep down, a part of you knows that they’re peddling baloney, right?

This is where a good, non-biased scientist can come in handy. Fortunately, we, the confused masses, have people such as geologist Gregory Wrightstone to talk us down from the Chicken Little-type panic peddled by people such as Hansen, Mann, and carbon-credit salesman Al Gore. According to Wrightstone, “People suspect something is amiss with the one-sided deluge of information about climate catastrophe, but aren’t fully equipped to assess it and judge for themselves.”

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