What Science Says About the Existence of God

What Science Says About the Existence of God

It is often stated not only that religion and science are not compatible, but that science disproves God’s existence. We explain what science does show. ...
Kurt Williamsen
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The second chapter of Carlos Calle’s book The Universe: Order Without Design makes clear Calle’s disdain for religious explanations of natural events:

Mythological tales that attempt to explain the universe can be found in most prescientific societies. The Minoan, Chinese, Norse, Celtic, Indian, and Mayan cultures all weaved myths to explain the universe that they observed.... Still other tales, such as the Genesis account, detail in an anthropomorphic way the creation of the Earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the living creatures, and finally, the human race.1

Famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking begins his video documentary Grand Design, about the beginnings of the universe, in a similar manner, telling about the ignorant Norse and their religious beliefs.2

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